Steve - Demon

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(I would suggest being 18 plus for this one, there's adult themes. I just finished Luca and omg its so good and cute I cried. Also good omen 2!!!! Im so excited)

"Wait let me get straight, we have to go undercover at a strip club?" Tony asked at the team meeting, the whole team was sat around a table hearing the new mission from Steve.

"Yes, I know it sounds odd. But there's been talking of a power being working in this strip club and killing patrons. Shield wants us to investigate." Steve explained to the team.

"I want Nat, Wanda, Tony and I there. So the rest of you can go while I brief these guys on everything." Steve said as the rest of the team gratefully left the other three with Steve.

"Wanda I need you there incase this being knows magic, Nat you'll be combat support and Tony you're charming and can get us into anywhere." Steve said making Tony chuckle.

"Thanks Cap."

You were so exhausted, you hadn't fed on anyone in so long. Yes, you could feed off lustful energy but it wasn't enough to keep you alive. You knew you had to kill someone tonight, you just didn't know who.

You stepped out onto the stage in your usual revealing outfit. The people always went wild for you. Your stage name was Emerald. Cheesy, but it worked.

You began doing your usual dance, you didn't love being showed off like this. But back in hell it was worse than just showing some chest, in hell you didn't have a choice. Here you did have a choice, you chose to work here and you got paid a lot of money for it.

Yes, it was true. You were a demon straight from hell, but you had escaped a long time ago. Earth had been your saviour, New York became your home.

While you danced for the patrons you focused on other things in your head. Your dance shift had ended and it was time for you to waitress around the club. You liked to play a game. Whoever groped you first, was the one who would become your dinner. You saw a few new faces, two new women you'd never seen before. And someone you were certain was Tony Stark. But hey, you weren't here to judge.

You made your way around the club serving drinks, all too soon a man slapped your ass as you rolled your eyes and put on a fake smile.

"Meet me out back in 20 minutes." You whispered into his ear as he smirked and chuckled.

"I say that man is her next target." Tony whispered to Steve as he nodded.

After a while you went out the back and made sure the disgusting man from before was following you. He met you out back as you smiled.

"So how are we gonna do this?" He asked unbuckling his pants as you grabbed him and threw him against the wall.

"Oh trust me, you're not the one getting lucky tonight." You growled wrapping your hand around his throat as you began pulling his soul out of his body. You hummed in satisfaction, letting the energy return to your body. Your eyes went black as you took everything out of him. He dropped to the floor, pale and lifeless.

"Shit! We're too late! Hands up!" You heard a voice say as you gasped and looked up to see Tony and the blonde haired man that was with him.

"Son of a bitch." You growled standing up slowly raising your hands.

"No need to kill me Stark. I'll come easy." You said, Tony didn't look convinced as you smirked and leapt at them. You scratched Steve across the face with your sharp nails making him bleed before you were knocked to the ground. You were about you grab Tony but red magic wrap around you as you groaned in frustration.

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