Avengers - Asylum

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(TW! Mental illness, torture and needles. This one is very different, but none the less I think you'll love it. Holy cow this is long!)

"No stop! Please!" You woke up with a startle hearing a man screaming as you looked around seeing yourself in a dark metal room. You tried to move but you looked down seeing yourself in a straight jacket, a chain around your neck and some sort of metal covering your mouth. Everything in your body hurt, where were you?

"Wakey wakey darling." A female voice said as you looked up to see the large door in front of you opening. The door opened all the way to reveal a tall pale black haired woman, she was wearing a long slim black dress and had terrifying long sharp nails and an even more terrifying smile.

"Did you have a good sleep bunny?" She asked as you groaned and looked away. You tried to move but only whined in pain.

"I had to muzzle you darling, you were being awfully loud last night." She said walking in to you and unhooking the chain from the wall. She yanked the chain making you stand up as you groaned in pain. She reached around and undid the straight jacket as you quickly ripped it off and stretched your sore arms.

"Is that better bunny?" She asked as you glared at her, she pulled the chain making you follow behind her.

"Let's go wake the others up shall we? Sorry for the screaming this morning darling, it was just me having a good old time with Tony." She said, you thought for a while. Tony? Why did that sound familiar? She stopped outside of a door as she brought out a key and unlocked the door opening it to reveal a man with blonde hair sitting on a metal bed staring at the wall.

"Stevie dear, it's time to come get breakfast." The woman said as he turned and looked at you. He stood up without saying a word and stood in front of you and the woman.

"Go wake everyone else up and take them to the dining hall, I need to go fetch Tony." The woman said to Steve as he nodded obediently and went down the hall.

"Come darling, we'll go get Tony." She said pulling you along.

You followed her down the hall until you were met with an old dark elevator. The doors opened and you stepped in with her as she pressed the only other button that was on the elevator.

"Now, Tony is very sick, his mind isn't right. He's going to say a lot of nonsense things to you bunny. I need you to not believe anything he tells you ok?" She told you as you nodded. The doors opened and she led you out into the basement where there was someone chained up in the middle of the floor. The man looked up and saw you.

"Y/N! Y/N thank god! Help me you have to help me, I don't know what's happened but none of this is right. Did they hurt you?" He said as you tilted your head and looked at him in confusion.

"See dear, he's very sick." She said in a mocking tone as you looked at the man.

"What did she do to you Y/N?" Tony asked as you looked to the woman for some kind of guidance.

"Don't worry about him bunny. Poor thing is delusional." She muttered in a sad voice as you nodded.

"Now, if you behave you can come up and eat breakfast with the rest of us. Do you think you can behave? All your friends will be there." The woman said as Tony glared at her.

"Just get me out of here." He growled as she smiled triumphantly.

"Bunny, go unchain him for me." She demanded handing you a key, you nodded as she let go of your chain. You let it drag behind you as you made your way over to the bloodied and bruised man. You undid all of his chains and restraints as he looked at you sadly.

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