Loki - Trust Me

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(Adult themes)

In this world, everyone had a soulmate. You could feel most physical and mental things that your soulmate felt. Everyone usually just felt their soulmate crying or hugging someone. But yours was different.

You felt immense pain, mentally and physically most of the time. You thought maybe there was something wrong with you, but you had seen endless doctors and they all said it was your soulmate.

You sat alone in your apartment crying softly, it felt like someone was dripping acid onto your back.

You couldn't imagine what he was going through. You did the only thing you could think of.

"Hold me close and hold me fast. This magic spell you've cast." You sang softly as you intertwined your hands together and rubbed your thumb over your skin.

"I'm here." You whispered running your hand up your arm trying to soothe him or her in some way.

You felt the pain getting worse.

"I don't know what they're doing to you, but you don't deserve it." You whispered softly.

You woke up the next morning to your friend Katy shaking you awake. You were still in the corner of your apartment curled up. (Hi Katy)

"Did it happen again?" She asked helping you off the floor as you nodded.

"It's stopped now, but I can feel that they're crying and begging for mercy." You whispered as she slowly took you over to your couch.

"Could be worse, I felt my soulmate having sex last night. Wasn't a great experience." She muttered making you chuckle a little.

"Was like a really weird threesome." She mumbled looking away from you making you laugh more.

"Hey! It's not funny!" Katy exclaimed as you covered your mouth.

"I'm sorry, it's not. But it kind of is. Luckily I've never felt my soulmate have sex. Just torture." You muttered as Katy sighed and grabbed you a glass of water from the kitchen.

"Yeah, it's only fair. I'm sure he's felt me have sex too many times." She muttered handing the glass to you.

"You wanna go out and have breakfast?" She asked as you nodded and sculled the water.

"Just let me get ready and we'll go out."

You made it to your favourite cafe and took a seat at one of the booths.

"I deserve waffles after last night." You muttered staring down at the menu as Katy laughed.

The waiter came over to you both.

"Two waffles and two coffee's please." Katy said to him as he smiled and nodded.

"They'll be out soon." The man said before leaving.

"Maybe he's like...a war criminal or something." Katy muttered looking at you as you looked up.

"Maybe he's in Hydra!" She shouted as your eyes widened.

"Jesus christ please shut up." You said as she covered her mouth.

"Sorry, got a little excited with that theory. But it was make sense, the endless torture and such." She suggested as you thought for a moment.

"It's a possibility. I just wish I could stop it. Stop their pain and suffering." You whispered looking down at you hands.

"Maybe one day you can."

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