Avengers - Luka

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You had been rescued by the Avengers a few months ago. There was an attack on the city and you had used your powers to help. They realised you were homeless and in danger so they took you in and gave you somewhere to be safe. You hadn't told them about your past, you'd been alive for a while. Maybe 900 years on earth, you weren't human.

You had your lover but he died in the 70s and you were left alone. A long time ago you'd had a son, who would also be immortal, but he was taken away and you never knew what happened to him.

It was around 2am in the morning as you were up on the roof smoking a cigarette.

"You know those things kill people." You heard a voice say as you looked over to see Steve behind you.

"I'm immortal Steve, these don't do a thing." You replied making him chuckle.

"Right, forgot about that part." He said as you chuckled a little letting him stand beside you.

"Why are you awake?" You asked him as he sighed and rubbed his face.

"Just got Bucky to go back to sleep after a nightmare, I just needed some time alone." He replied, you nodded and smiled.

"You're a really good friend Steve." You said making him smile. You knew how much Steve cared about his best friend, it was sweet.

"Well, I try." He said sighing and looking out onto the city.

"Why are you awake?" He asked as you sighed as well.

"Nightmares, the normal." You replied making him chuckle.

"You don't talk much about your past, was there anyone you loved?" He asked as you looked away from him and took a drag from the cigarette before putting it out.

"Yeah, I loved a few here and there. One that stuck was Arthur, he was similar to me. Well, immortal until killed, he was a vampire, crazy I know. He was killed in 1976, some hydra guy killed him." You said as Steve nodded.

Wait, Hydra killed him.

"I-I should probably get back down to Bucky and make sure he's ok." Steve said to you as you nodded.

"I'll be heading down soon as well, I hope you get some rest Steve." You said before he left.

Steve rushed down to Bucky's room and began rummaging through his stuff. Bucky woke up and looked at Steve in confusion.

"Steve? What are you doing?" He asked as Steve ran to him and kneeled beside the bed.

"Bucky I need you to remember, did you kill someone in 1976 called Arthur?" Steve rushed out as Bucky stood up and grabbed his book of names he had killed as an assassin.

He flipped to 1976 and looked through the names.

"Arthur, 1976. His last words to me were 'tell Y/N I love her.'" He said as Steve closed his eyes and sighed.

"Shit Bucky, Arthur was Y/N's lover. The Y/N he's talking about is the Y/N we know." Steve said as Bucky's eyes widened.

"N-No, it can't be. D-Does she know?" Bucky whispered as Steve shook his head.

"No, she has no idea."

You had finally gotten two hours of sleep before you woke up, you had dreamt of your son. You sighed and got up getting dressed. You had to do something about this, you were going to find him. Tony was one of the most powerful men in the country, surely he could help. You rushed down to the main room to see Tony making some breakfast.

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