Avengers - Voice of Warning

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"Something is coming I can feel it."

"Something isn't right."

"The darkness is back."

"He's coming back Y/N, he's coming back!"

You gasped and woke up looking around seeing yourself in your room at the Avengers tower.

"Y/N, he found you." You heard your mothers voice say as you looked down at your hands.

"I-It's just a dream." You whispered to yourself.

"He's here." Your mothers voice said as you quickly stood up.

"It's ok Y/N, he isn't here." You whispered to yourself catching your breath. Suddenly someone knocked on your door as you screamed in fear. The door opened revealing Tony as you sighed in relief.

"Damn Y/N, I didn't know I was that ugly." Tony said as you chuckled.

"Sorry, j-just had a nightmare. I'm just a little on edge." You said as he came in and sat beside you.

"Everything ok kid?" He asked as you smiled.

"Y-Yeah, I know it was just a nightmare." You replied looking forward, but some part of you knew it wasn't just a nightmare.

"Come have breakfast with us, Thor and Loki cooked so there's enough to feed all of Wakanda." Tony said as he stood up making you laugh.

"I'll be down in five." You replied before he left.

"Maybe you can't stop him this time."

You sighed and quickly got dressed into day clothes before making your way downstairs. You saw the team all around the table making you smile, your family.

"Aye! There she is! Come have some breakfast!" Tony shouted with his mouth full making you laugh. You ran down the stairs and greeted everyone before grabbing a plate. Even though you were older than everyone here, you still felt like a daughter to all of them. You looked eighteen but in reality you were thousands of years old. But it felt good to be an actual teenager around them, god knows you never got to where you came from.

You filled your plate with breakfast food and sat down at the table with the rest of the team. You sat next to Steve and he smiled at you as you all began talking. Suddenly you felt Steve's hand on your thigh as you jolted and quickly stood up. Steve of all people knew what you were like with physical contact. What was he doing?

"Y/N, is everything ok?" Tony asked as you nodded and quickly grabbed your breakfast plate and sat next to Tony.

"Y-Yeah." You muttered looking away from everyone and continuing to eat your breakfast. Steve looked like nothing had happened as he talked and laughed with everyone.

"What's up kid? Did Steve smell?" Tony asked quietly as you shook your head.

"N-No, it's nothing." You whispered not looking at anyone.

"He's here."

You shook your head and focused on your breakfast drowning out everyone else's voice.

Once you were finished you took your plate up to the kitchen and went to sit on the couch. You felt sick, you didn't like this. Your mother warning you in your sleep and Steve acting weird and touching you. It made you feel dizzy.

"Y/N, is everything ok?" You heard a voice say as you looked up seeing Steve.

"W-Why did you touch me?" You whispered looking away from him.

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