Avengers - Fragment

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(Warning, it's horror based)

The Avengers were dealing with a new threat. An assassin that seemed to just vanish from any crime scene.

They weren't sure if you were from Hydra or working on your own.

"Maybe they're using magic." Tony suggested as the team sat around the meeting room table.

"I may have something to help." A voice said as everyone looked up to see Doctor Strange entering.

"The energy coming off our new criminal matches a villain I faced a while back." He said bringing up an image on the screen in front of the table. It was an image of an older looking man, he looked like a scientist of some sort.

"It's possible he's trained someone to be an assassin. He always said he was working on something. I just never knew what." Strange explained as the team listened and nodded.

"I guess we have a new suspect."

You teleported back to your base, your father's mansion in the middle of nowhere in Russia. It was run down and dreary, but it suited him.

"Wonderful, you've returned. Is it done?" Your father asked you as you walked into his lab.

"Yes Father." You responded taking off your mask to reveal your short black hair and horrifying face. Your skin was all different shades, pieces of other peoples skin stitched into yours, you had two different coloured eyes, the left one green and the right one black. You stripped off your combat suit to reveal a Frankenstein looking body. Your arms were sewn on from the bicep, your torso was about seven different shades and pieces of skin sewn together, your legs were sewn just above your knees.

"Do you need restitching dear?" Your father asked as you nodded and sat down on the metal table.

He began getting to work stitching your body back together as you sat still for him.

"Did you say what I told you to the man you killed?" He asked as you nodded.

"This is for Lyla." You repeated as he smiled still focused on your skin.

"Good girl." He replied as you watched him stitch you up.

"Who is Lyla?" You asked as he stopped and sighed.

"We've been over this dear, you don't need to know who she is. Okay? You just follow what I say and obey me. Understood?" He said as you nodded and let him continue his work.

"I understand father."

"We think we have the details for the next attack from the Assassin." Steve said as everyone gathered around the meeting table.

"Tony, Bucky, Nat and myself are going to go there and wait till they strike and we can catch them off guard." Steve explained as the team nodded.

The four Avengers set out to the penthouse of a wealthy doctor they believed would be your next target.

"What are you all doing here?" The doctor grumbled at the Avengers.

"We believe there's an assassin coming to kill you, we're here to protect you." Steve said as the man groaned.

"Whatever, just don't get in my way."

The Avengers were hidden in the doctors appointment as you teleported directly into the room. You found the doctor and tackled him to the floor.

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