Avengers - All of us

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(This one is a little different. Y'all probs don't know but I have dissociative identity disorder (multiple personalities), and the main character in this has it too. It may be very confusing but oh well. Some of my alters wrote parts of this too)

Shadow POV
You don't become a multiversal villain from a happy fucking childhood.
As you get older you realise the villains in comic books usually had it fucking right, and the heroes were blinded by 'goodness' and all that crappy bullshit. Heroes will say they've been through a lot, that they've been through trauma. Please, don't make me laugh. You think just because Steve Rogers was frozen for a couple of years he's seen trauma? You're pathetic if you sympathise him.
Villain is such a nasty word school yard taunts really. I'm just a person who see's things clearer than others, someone who's been to all corners of most universes. Yeah, you see some shit being as old as I am.
I was alone in my penthouse in the middle of New York City, I can travel the multiverse I can go wherever I want. But I like being here where the Avengers are, it's always fun to mess with them in some way or another.
I sat down in my favourite green leather chair and sighed. I had a glass of whiskey in my hand as I swirled it gently.
I groaned trying to ignore the voices in my head.

"Big surprise, the villain is mentally ill." I growled looking down at the glass in my hand.

"We aren't all villains in this one body, some of us are some of us aren't. Yeah this body is basically just a hotel, I lost count of how many different souls there are in this body. Good thing is, we can change how we look, depending on who's in control we can change to how we see ourselves. Which sucks sometimes because two of us are children, easier to hurt if we get captured. Only reason we are all here is because of one girl, Molly. She's the owner of this body, when she was five she went through something, something that changed her forever. Somehow she had the power to reach to all different sides of all different realities and take souls. Drawing them into her one body so she could escape to the safety of her own mind. I'm one of them she stole, I used to be an all powerful vampire that ruled an entire world. Now I'm a soul trap in a body with countless other souls, but I can't help the nag in my mind to protect Molly. I mean that's why we're all here isn't it?" I say as I chuckle to myself.

"No dear, I'm not talking to myself. I'm talking to you, the person reading this. What? I'm an inter-dimensional all powerful being, you think I can't break the forth wall?" I say with a smirk still looking down at my drink.

"But I guess you've had enough of me haven't you? Maybe I should let you meet the one you've been waiting for. I'm sure you've heard of her." I said standing up and closing my eyes.

"Say hi to Nova for me." I whispered before relaxing my body feeling her slowly take over my body.

Nova's POV
I gasped and opened my eyes seeing I was in my body again, long brown curly hair with purple streaks and a small body, I looked weak but I wasn't at all. I looked around the penthouse and groaned.

"Shadow you better not have hurt anyone." I growled looking around for any type of blood or weaponry.

"Calm down, I just pissed off the Avengers a little." Shadow said in my head making me roll my eyes.

"You need to stop pissing them off. What happens when they catch us? What if they use a power dampener on us and they draw out Molly. She hasn't been in control since...well you know." I muttered grabbing Shadow's whiskey and pouring it down the sink.

"You're so tense, just chill out." Shadow growled before disappearing into our mind.
Out of all of us I'm one of the eldest, before Molly summoned us all here I was an immortal warrior. I had lived a very long time and now I'm here, with all these different souls in one body. Sometimes I miss my old life but I understand I have a mission here. I protect most of us, well being a well trained immortal warrior with magic, I tend to be the best protector.
There's so many of us, it gets exhausting keeping track. So, I just try my best to remind everyone I'm the one that leads.
But I suppose Leo is the one that takes care of everyone, he takes care of me when I need. I'm immortal of course I have trauma that I have to deal with, Leo helps me with that. He was a royal guard before all of this, he protected a princess in another reality. I suppose that's why he loves protecting us so much.
I could go on forever about all of our stories, but I guess they can tell you that in time.
I didn't really know what to do with myself, maybe I could take a bath. I wandered into the bathroom and found the luxurious large white tub.

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