Just a Servant - Part 2

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(Sorry if the ending is a little weird I'm having so many visions and it's hard to focus, but I hope you all enjoyed it. I've got so many ideas for other oneshots so they'll be heaps of updates to come!)

You held onto Narvi for dear life as you felt yourself fall and Loki's voice became just a memory.

You landed on the ground with Narvi on top of you as you groaned. You looked above you to see stars softly shining, they weren't Asgard's constellations. You made it. You slowly sat up and looked around to see yourself in a field of some sort.

"You dang aliens better get outa my crops!" You heard a voice shout as you looked up to see a man with a weapon of some sorts.

"Narvi, let's go!" You shouted as you grabbed Narvi into your arms and began running. You ran until you reach a road where you stood in the middle, suddenly a car screeched to a halt as you looked up to see two men exiting the car.

"Are you ok miss?" One asked as you took in a deep breath.

"Y-Yes, I'm quite alright. Thank you." You muttered as you went to go walk away into the forest but they stopped you.

"You really shouldn't be out here along young lady." The other said as you glared at him.

"I promise you do not want to try anything with me." You growled as they chuckled. You placed Narvi down gently.

"Narvi, go wait over by that tree and close your eyes." You said as he nodded and did as you said. Your eyes glowed as you wrapped your burning hand around one of their throats and burnt away the skin. The other screamed as you grabbed him and snapped his neck.

"Don't move!" You heard a voice shout as you looked behind you to see some sort of robot.

"Momma!" Narvi shouted as he ran in front of you.

"You won't take my Momma evil robot!" He shouted as the metal retracted to reveal a man.

"Were they trying to hurt you two?" He asked gesturing to the two men as you nodded.

"It was self defence." You said as he nodded.

"Where are you from?" He asked as you picked Narvi up.

"Asgard." You said as he looked at you in confusion.

"Mr. Stark! I couldn't find anything!" You heard another voice yell as a boy swung in next to the man.

"O-Oh sorry." He muttered as he looked between you and this Mr. Stark.

"Why don't you come with us? We can sort things out, get you some food and water." He asked as you nodded.

"Will I be punished?" You asked.

"No, I'll make sure no one finds out about this incident." He said as you nodded.

"We were just about to head back into the city, we have a car just up the road." He explained as you nodded but kept your eyes on him as you followed them to a black car. You helped Narvi sit in the back and sat beside him.

"Where are you taking us?" You asked as the man started the car.

"Into the city, I have a tower there. So I take it you're not human?" He asked as you furrowed your eyebrows.

"You mean Midgardian? No, I'm Asgardian." You said as he nodded.

"Wait, I learnt about Asgard in school once. Isn't with Thor and Loki and all that?" Peter said as you looked at him in shock.

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