Avengers - Killer

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(This is so weird)
“Everyone always says I’m an angel, or I’m so kind and full of light. I’ve never believed them. Because they don’t see underneath, what I truly am. I’m not an angel, or pure or shit like that. I treat people like they are disposable, I get bored of one throw them away and go to the next. That’s not very angel of me is it? I make people fall in love with me just to break their heart. I’m more monster than angel.” You muttered to the person beside you.

“I suppose you can’t give me advice can you?” You asked as you turned to the figure.

“Trust me to unload all of my problems on a dead person.” You said as you sighed and grabbed the body by the ankles and dragged it down a hill to a stream.

“Well, I guess this is goodbye. I’d say go towards the light but we both know you’re going to hell.” You said as you pushed the body into the water.

“Freeze!” You heard a voice yell as you sighed and turned around.

“I already killed someone today don’t make me kill another officer.” You said to the policeman that stood in front of you.

“Stay right where you are!” He yelled as you sighed and drew your knife 

“All in a days work.” You said before throwing he knife and killing the officer.

“I suppose I could use another therapy session though.”


“Ok since when do we handle serial killers? Isn’t that oh I don’t know the police’s job?” Natasha said as Steve sighed 

“We just need to look into the killings and possible suspects, it’s possible they’re using magic or aren’t human.” Steve said as the team groaned

“Nat and Sam suit up you two are going to the police station.” He said as the two groaned.

“Who’s talking to witnesses?” Bucky asked as Steve handed him the file.

“There aren’t any witnesses alive.” Steve said as Bucky looked at the file in shock.

“So what do we have to go off?” Bucky asked as Cap sighed.

“Not much, just previous criminals the killings match to. But the killings don’t seem to be connected, it’s all completely random.” Steve said as the rest of the team sighed.

“Got anything better to do?” Steve asked as the team shook their heads.


‘The Avengers are on your case now.’ You picked up the note that was left on your dining room table.

“I mean I could kill them but I feel sorry for the prince of hell for having to deal with Tony Stark. Maybe I’ll just have some fun and send them some messages.” You said as you smirked and threw the piece of paper in the trash. Your home wasn’t to shabby, penthouse apartment in the centre of New York. Working secretly for Hydra had it’s perks.

“Hmm, who’s close to Tony Stark. I suppose there’s that kid.” You said as you smirked.

‘We don’t kill kids, you promised.’ A voice in your head said as you sighed.

“I suppose. But we don’t have to kill him.” You said as you drew your knife and smiled.

You left your apartment and went to Peter's school. You called the office and put on your best parent voice and asked for Peter to go to the office. You saw him walking through the halls as you smirked and grabbed him knocking him out.
You brought him back to your apartment and laid him down on your couch.

“I suppose we should leave a note for Tony. Blood seems appropriate.” You said as you smiled and cut Peter's wrist making sure he was still out cold. You collected some of his blood and teleported yourself inside the Avengers tower. You made sure there was no one around as you painted his blood on the wall.

'I have Peter.’ You wrote as you smiled to yourself.

“That should drive them crazy for a few hours.” You said to yourself before you used your power to erase any evidence of you there and teleported back to your apartment. You groaned as you grabbed some bandages and began wrapping them around the kids wrist. You gasped as you backed away from him.

“I hurt a kid.” You whispered as you looked at him. You looked down at your hands.

“I keep saying I won’t end up like them. B-But I can’t disobey. They’ll hurt me, I can’t leave. I can’t leave.” You whispered to yourself.

‘Then leave.’ A voice said in your head as you began to cry.

“I don’t have a choice! I never did! I didn’t fucking choose this!” You screamed as you sobbed. Peter began waking up as his spidey senses went wild. You looked up and gasped as you quickly wiped away your tears.

“Stay right fucking there!” You shouted as you grabbed a knife and pointed it at him.

“W-Where am I?” He muttered as he looked around.

“In my fucking apartment, I kidnapped you to get to Tony.” You growled. As his eyes widened.

“Why would you do that?” He asked as you laughed.

“Maybe I am a fucking monster, so what? What the fuck are you going to do about it!? I love the blood, I love the screams! I love seeing them beg for their lives before I kill them! Because that’s how I was fucking taught, it was kill or be killed! If I didn’t obey they would torture me every fucking day! I wasn’t born a monster, they made me one!” You screamed as you collapsed to your knees sobbing.

“Peter!” You heard someone shout as you looked up to see Ironman pointing his weapon at you. You burs out laughing.

“Don’t fucking move.” Tony growled as you got up and threw a chair across the room.

“Take me! Fucking take me! Nothing can be worse than them!” You screamed as Cap came in and grabbed you from behind. He placed cuffs around your wrists as you laughed.

“Don’t worry I didn’t fucking hurt him much.” You hissed at Tony as he glared at you.

“You’re lucky I didn’t fucking kill Pepper.” You said before you were knocked out.

“Kid are you ok?” Tony asked as Peter nodded.

“Tony, I think we should help her.” Peter muttered as Tony’s eyes widened.

“Kid she’s a serial killer.” Tony said as Peter looked down at you.

“She kept saying she would be tortured if she didn’t obey, what if she’s like Bucky? She seemed so afraid, she seemed like she needed help.” Peter said as Steve and Tony sighed.


You opened your eyes to see bright light as visions flashed through your brain. You screamed and jolted up as you tried to steady your breathing.

'You failed, you disobeyed.’ A voice in your head hissed as you covered your face.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” You whispered over and over as you rocked back and forth.

“What’s your name?” You heard a voice say as you looked up to see Tony and Steve.

“Y/N.” You whispered as they nodded.

“Who are you working for?” Steve asked as you chuckled.

“I think you both know.” You hissed as they nodded.

“Are you working for Hydra by choice?” Tony asked as you laughed again.

“I think you know the answer for that as well.” You said as Tony sighed.

“Y/N we want to help you, we can help you.” Steve said as you just stared at them.

“Just kill me, it’ll make all of the easier.” You said as Steve shook his head.

“Everyone deserves a second chance. It’s going to be ok, we can protect you.” Steve said as you felt tears stream down your face.

“I’m scared.” You whispered as Tony looked at your sadly and Steve smiled kindly.

“We won’t let them hurt you again. But while you’re here can you promise you won’t hurt anyone and you’ll let us help you?” Steve asked.

“So, do we have a deal?” Tony continued.


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