Thor - Flowers

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You had known Thor most of your life. You were just a simple Asgardian but one day you met Thor and became best friends. You and Loki weren't the best of friends. As children you both fought for Thor's attention and as you grew older you both had a small hatred for each other. But if it came down to life or death you knew he had your back, he was like a brother to you.

You were asleep in your quarters at the palace. After your parents died the royal family graciously allowed you to live in the palace.

You slowly opened your eyes from your deep sleep and looked beside you to see a bunch of snakes in your bed as you screamed and fell off the bed. You heard snickering in the corner as you saw Loki and chased him out of your bedroom.

"Loki!" You screamed as you threw a small pot at him and hit him in the back of the head.

"Take that!" You shouted as you laughed and slammed your door. You quickly got dressed into something simple and made your way to the dining room. Odin and Frigga were usually to busy to have breakfast, but every day you, Loki and Thor would make sure to have breakfast together. You met with Thor in the dining room and saw Loki glaring at you as you smirked.

"How's your head?" You asked as he glared at you more.

"I wish you two would stop fighting so much." Thor said as you chuckled. You grabbed a few pastries and sat down next to Thor.

"Only a few moons till I become king!" Thor said as you chuckled, you looked over to see Loki grumble.

"Don't be jealous." You said as he glared at you.

"I'm not jealous." He growled as you laughed and continued to eat.

"Would you like to have a sparring session with me today Y/N?" Thor asked as you nodded with a mouth full of food.

"I'd love to." You said as he smiled.

You met Thor outside of the palace walls as he tossed you a sword.

"Ready to lose?" He said as you smirked and swung at him.

"Are you ready to lose?" You said as he chuckled. You both began fighting.

After a while you were getting tired and took one last swing at Thor before he swung back at you and hit you. You gasped as you looked down to see your right side cut open.

"Y/N!" Thor shouted as he grabbed you before you fell. He summoned his hammer and quickly flew you back to the palace. He ran to the healers and placed you on the table as you grabbed his hand.

"D-Don't leave." You muttered as he smiled sadly.

"I won't, I promise." He said. Something changed inside you, you saw Thor differently.

"I'm right here Y/N." He said as the healers began working on your wound. What was this feeling? Your heart and stomach felt odd. You just wanted Thor to hug you and tell you everything would be ok.

You had fallen unconscious and Thor nervously waited outside the healers doors as he paced. The doors opened and he quickly followed the healer into where you were peacefully sleeping.

"She's stable my Prince." The healer said as Thor rushed over to you and gently held onto your hand. Your eyes slowly opened.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry." Thor said with tears in his eyes as you smiled gently.

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