Loki Doubt - Part 2

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It had been a few days since Loki had been taken in. Now Thor was planning to take him back to Asgard to serve his punishment.

"Are you joking!? We just found each other again and now you want to take him away from me!? He won't go with you Thor! Just let him serve his punishment here! I've done nothing wrong so why are you punishing me!?" You shouted as the other Avengers watched in shock.

"Loki is Asgardian he will serve his punishment there." Thor said in a demanding voice as you went to hit him but Steve held you back.

"If he goes back I go back asshole." You growled as Thor sighed.

"You were banished Y/N, you can never return." He said as you glared at him.

"Loki is not going back! Try and take him away! I dare you!" You shouted as Tony stood in between you both.

(Just imagine John Maleny between them like ok ok ok ok ok ok)

"Woah just settle down the two of you. We don't mind keeping Loki here, we can help him become better as well. In Asgard they'll just shove him in a cell and won't look back. With Y/N here he has a good chance of redeeming himself and actually using his power for good." Tony said to your surprise.

"Fine! But I'm allowed to visit." Thor said as he glared at you.

"Of course. Ok now that all that is sorted Thor you go back to Asgard and we will go fill Loki in on what's going to happen." Steve said as he let go of you. Thor stormed off to the roof to go back to Asgard as you sighed.

"I hate that oaf." You growled as Tony chuckled.

"Were you serious Tony? About actually helping Loki." You asked as Tony smiled gently.

"I see the way you are around each other, you do truly love one another. And I can see how much he hates what he did, we all want to help him." Tony said as you hugged him tightly.

"Thank you Tony." You said before you made your way down to the cells.

"Y/N." Loki said as he smiled at you.

"Your oaf of a brother was trying to take you back to Asgard. Tony agreed to let you stay here and live out your sentence. We can help you here Loki." You said as he smiled at you.

"I would much rather stay here with you my love." He said as you smiled softly. Suddenly the cell door opened as you looked at Tony in shock.

"Tony?" You asked as he sighed.

"Don't tell Thor. But you're free around the tower, don't leave and don't do anything to piss me off or you're going back into the cell. Understood?" Tony said as Loki nodded and stepped out.

"I understand." He said before running up and hugging you. You hugged him back tightly as he ran his hand through your hair.

"You can stay with Y/N in her room. Obviously." Tony muttered as you chuckled.

"Anyway we'll let you two catch up. We're having pizza's and drinks tonight at eight so feel free to join." Tony said as you nodded and went into the elevator with Loki.

"I missed you." You whispered as he kissed you softly.

You and Loki made it to your room and had a lot of catching up to do.

It was about 7:30 and you threw on some clothes and left a note to Loki who was fast asleep before making your way downstairs.

"Tonyyyy do you have anything strong enough to get an Asgardian drunk?" You said as you looked around to see no one around.

"Tony?" You muttered as you looked around.

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