Loki/Bucky - The Ruthless King

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(Sorry but I'm making Loki the bad guy. Trigger warning, non consensual stuff and torture. There is pregnancy in this one so if you're uncomfortable with that i wouldn't suggest reading)

How did it end up like this? How did everything go so wrong?

All of this is so hard but I have to keep going, I have to keep serving him. No matter how much he beats me, no matter how much he rapes me or screams at me, I have to keep going. It's all for a bigger cause.

"What are you doing?" I heard a voice say as I turned around to see my King, my captor.

"J-Just writing my King." I muttered trying my best to sound confident in my own words.

King Loki, he was your King. He ruled over this land. A long time ago I was forced to marry him and become his wife for my people's sake. But I wasn't his wife, I was just his pet or his slave. I hated every moment of it but i needed to stay with him, let him believe I was his. I had to protect my people.

It didn't help that he would drain me of all my power nearly everyday, he would use his magic to take all of my power and energy.

The only thing that kept me going throughout all of this was one of the King's guards. His name was James, but everyone called him Bucky for short. Sometimes the King would send him in after a beating to make sure I didn't run away, but after a while we started talking. And I fell for him, he was the only good thing in this hell.

"My love?" I heard a voice say as I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up to see my king in front of me.

"O-Oh I'm sorry Master, I must have gotten lost in thought." I muttered before standing up and looking up at him.

"Is there something you needed?" I asked quietly as he smiled and ran his finger over my cheek.

"I need you to use your mind control again, a few of my servants are whispering about me. Saying I'm not worthy to lead, I will punish them and then I want you to take over their minds so they will never disobey me again." He said as I looked away from him and nodded slowly, these poor souls didn't deserve this. But I couldn't disobey, if I did... it doesn't matter I have to do this.

"Yes my King." I whispered making him smile and kiss my forehead.

"After that I must talk to you about something very important." He said, my mind raced. What would it be this time?

"Stay here while I go and torture them my love, a guard will come retrieve you when I need you." He replied before kissing my lips softly and walking away.

"Of course my King." I muttered before he turned to a guard outside.

"Make sure she doesn't leave." He muttered before the doors closed. I sighed and sat down on the bed as I thought.

What could he want to talk about? It made me so nervous to even think about. Suddenly the door opened and I saw Bucky entering, he shut the door behind him as I ran into his arms and hugged him tightly.

"Bucky." I whispered as he wrapped his arms around me in return.

"My love, I've missed you so much." He whispered running his calloused hands through my hair.

"I missed you too. The King wants to talk to me later, I'm afraid of what he wants." I whispered slowly pulling away from him.

"It'll be okay doll, he hasn't been angry lately. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about." He whispered in response as I smiled a little, no matter how bad things got Bucky could always make everything better.

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