Avengers/Clint - Broken

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(Trigger warning, abusive relationship and sexual assault)

It had been two years now. You heard the door to your apartment open and saw your boyfriend Zeke walking in. You continued staring at the TV and ignored him.

"Aren't you going to ask how my day is?" He asked throwing his bag down.

"I know how it was, it was terrible. Someone pissed you off and you yelled at them." You muttered in a monotone voice. You felt him come behind you and grip your hair roughly.

"What's with the attitude?" He growled as you looked up at him with your red eyes.

"I'm tired." You whispered, he let go and scoffed.

"Go make me dinner." He growled.

"Make it yourself." You whispered back as he grabbed your hair again and threw you onto the floor.

"You might want to watch your fucking mouth before I silence you the only way I know how." He growled as you looked away from him and stood up.

"I'm sorry." You whispered walking past him, he grabbed your upper arm roughly.

"Do it again and I'll make sure you can't walk for two reasons." He growled before letting you go.

You went into the kitchen and began making dinner. You were so tired and in pain, you knew no matter how good you acted he was still going to hurt you tonight.

You took dinner over to him and sat down at the table where you always ate alone. You looked out onto the city.

"I wish someone would save me." You whispered trying your best to not cry.

"What did you say?" Zeke asked looking up at you.

"I was just talking to myself saying I need to finish the washing." You muttered making him nod.

You had finished up dinner and finished cleaning up. You were cuddled into Zeke's side as he watched TV.

"Z-Zeke." You whispered closing your eyes.

"What is it?" He asked.

"C-Can we skip h-having sex tonight? I'm not feeling well." You whispered in a small voice, you were terrified.

"No, you can still please me if you're sick." He replied as you stood up abruptly.

"N-No, I won't. I said no." You muttered looking away from him.

"Either you stop acting like a brat and I go easy on you, or you keep being a bitch and I fuck you until you bleed." He growled standing up towering over you as you closed your eyes. You began to cry as he groaned.

"Fucking hell you're so sensitive." He growled as you covered your face.

"I-I'm sorry." You whispered as he grabbed your hair and dragged you into yours and his room.

"Shut the fuck up and make it up to me."

You woke up at 4am feeling sore and exhausted. You got up out of bed and got changed into a shirt, jeans and running shoes making sure to not wake Zeke up. You ran for the door, you had to go, you had to get out of here.

You made it down to the ground floor and ran out into the cold night.

I kept running and running until I couldn't anymore. I made it to a small park and sat on the cold timber bench as I began to cry. I laid down and sobbed into my hands.

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