Loki - Eternal Part 2

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(First part in second book)

You spent the rest of the day getting to know the Avengers. But being awake meant having flashbacks, and remembering your past. They were all downstairs drinking and having fun, you were on the roof looking out into the city.

‘You’re a traitor to your own kind!’ Memories ran through your mind, you couldn’t help the tears that ran out of your eyes.

“It wasn’t my choice.” You whispered as you covered your face with your hands.

‘Traitor! Evil!’ The voices shouted as you screamed in frustration.

“Y/N?” You heard a voice say as you gasped and looked behind you to see Loki.

“Loki.” You muttered as you quickly wiped away your tears.

“Are you alright?” He asked as you turned away from him and looked at the city again.

“I’m fine.” You whispered as you felt Loki place his coat over your shoulders.

“I know what it’s like.” He whispered as you hugged the coat close to you.

“I was the one that put myself into an eternal sleep. I’m dangerous, and when I’m asleep I don’t have to think about the past. It was my way of keeping myself and everyone around me safe.” You whispered as he nodded.

“I did a lot of bad things in the past as well, I thought that if everyone thought I was dead and I ran away that everyone would be safe. But in the end I just needed someone to help me get back on my feet, my brother helped me back to my old self. You just need someone there to accept you and help you move on from your past.” He said as you smiled softly.

“I don’t have anyone Loki.” You said as he smiled.

“Well, I don’t think there’s anything else I need to attend to after this. So?” He said as you chuckled. He held out his hand as you shook it.

“Deal, but it’s your funeral.” You said as he chuckled.

“Come on let’s go back down, you deserve a night off.” He said as he took your hand gently and led you back into the elevator.


It was around 3am when everyone finally decided to go to bed. You looked at Loki and made your way over to him. You were a ‘little’ drunk.

“Loki! I haven’t had sex in 500 years!” You shouted as he burst out laughing.

“I think it’s time you go to bed.” He said as he led you into the elevator.

“Will you have sex with me?” You asked him as he chuckled.

“Well I will admit you’re very beautiful Y/N I would never take advantage of you while you were drunk.” He said as you groaned.

“Fine, but when I'm sober and we defeat your sister I’m asking again.” You said as he chuckled and led you to your room.

“Can you stay with me tonight. I haven’t normally slept for a long time and I’m scared of the nightmares.” You muttered as he smiled and helped you into bed.

“Only if you promise to not make a move on me.” He said as you chuckled.

“Fine, just get in bed.” You said as he climbed in beside you and covered you with blankets.

“Goodnight dear.” He whispered as you smiled and closed your eyes.

“Goodnight Loki.”


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