Steve - Small / part 2

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(Part one is in book 2)
(Ok so next week I'm going across country to see my family and I'll be without a laptop for 2 weeks. There's a possibility I may write some stuff on my phone. But I just wanted to warn y'all if I'm not updating much that's why. But then after that I have to quarantine for 2 weeks at home so I'll be updating like crazy)

You looked over to see Rumlow standing in the corner of the room as your body shook.

"Big mistake leaving me." He growled as he pulled out a knife.

"Y-You died." You whispered as you looked at him.

"Just a show so the Avengers would think I was out of the way." He said as he walked closer and closer.

"Get away from me! You're not my alpha anymore!" You shouted as you jumped up from the bed and glared at him.

"Oh I'm sure we could easily change that." He said as he smirked. You went to run for the door but he stopped you. You closed your eyes and focused as hard as you could on your alpha, Steve.

Steve was in the main room when he felt uneasy. He sniffed the air and noticed he could smell you in distress.

"Somethings wrong." He said as he quickly ran into the elevator and pressed the level where your room was.

Rumlow had you pressed against the wall as he leant in to your neck.

"Let's get rid of Roger's mark shall we?" He said as you tried to break away from him.

"Get off me! Alpha!" You screamed as he went in to bite you but someone tackled him to the ground.

"Get off her!" You heard Steve yell as you looked to see him pinning Brock to the ground. You felt tears stream down your face as you caught your breath.

"Jarvis get the team down here now!" Steve said as him and Brock wrestled on the floor. Soon Tony and Clint ran into the room and retrained Brock. Steve ran up to you and hugged you tightly as you cried into his shoulder.

"Shh it's ok, I've got you." He whispered as you hugged him. He gently ran his finger over his mark on your neck and sighed thankfully.

"Did he hurt you?" Steve asked as you shook your head. He kissed your forehead and hugged your to his chest as Tony and Clint dragged Rumlow out.

"We'll lock him in a cell until shield gets here." Tony said as Steve nodded and kept his arms around you tightly.

"Shh he's gone. You're safe." He whispered as you took some deep breaths.

"W-We have to be careful and make sure there's no one else in the tower." You said as Steve nodded.

"Jarvis alert to team to do a sweep of the tower, we've had a breech." Steve said as he gently led you back to your bed.

"Just sit down doll." He said as you covered your face with your hands.

"I-I thought he was dead." You whispered as you began crying again. Steve gently guided you to lay down on his chest as he wrapped his large arms around you.

"I know, we all did. I won't let him touch you." Steve said as you nodded and sniffled quietly.

"It's alright omega, I have you. You're safe." Steve whispered as he gently caressed your hair. You found yourself relaxing as you gently closed your eyes.

"Sleep, I'll stay right here." Steve whispered as you body relaxed more and you slowly fell asleep in Steve's arms.

You woke up feeling someone gently shake you.

"You gotta get up doll, you need to eat." You heard Steve say as you yawned and rubbed your eyes.

"W-Where's Brock?" You asked as Steve kissed your forehead.

"Shield came and got him, he's gone love." Steve said as you smiled softly.

"Thank you for saving me alpha." You whispered as he smiled and helped you stand up.

"Let's go get something to eat, Tony said he was ordering pizza." Steve said as your eyes lit up.

"I've always wanted to try it!" You said as he chuckled. You made your way up to the main room where the team was as you made your way to Tony and Clint. (I really just said clit instead of Clint)

"I wanted to thank you both for saving me." You muttered as you looked up at them.

"Of course Y/N, you're apart of the family now." Tony said as you smiled and quickly hugged him before going back to Steve. The pizza arrived and you sat around the table with the Avengers and began to get to know everyone. You liked this, having a family. And an alpha that wanted you and protected you.

"Well, welcome to the family Y/N." Tony said as everyone cheered for you. You blushed and chuckled.

"Thank you everyone, it means a lot. I never thought I would have a family like this." You said as they all smiled.

You had been with the Avengers for four months now. Steve wanted to continue being your alpha and you couldn't be happier. You were more confident, Bucky and Nat had trained you to fight, Tony had taught you how to be more confident and be your own person, Wanda helped you find yourself as a woman and Loki had taught you how to read and write so you began writing stories and poems nearly everyday. Rumlow tried to escape shield and was killed, sometimes you have nightmares that he comes back. But now you aren't just an omega, or an object. You were a confident fighter and woman. And a valuable part of the Avengers. You had an amazing family and an amazing partner. It was the life you deserved.

(Sorry it's so short y'all. But least its sweet and its a happy ending)

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