Avengers - The Others

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(Yall, I just got onto Six the musical and damn its so amazing)

(Leo, Kate, Gal, Zeke, Maria, Shadow, Levi, Nala, Blaze, Mel. There's a list of everyone)

"Ok team, we have a bit of an odd one this morning. Yes I know the police should handle this, but once I explain it you'll understand why it's fallen into our hands." Steve said as he laid out some photos.

"Someone has been stealing bodies from the morgue, and they've captured a few photos of who's doing it." Steve said as he brought up a photo of a glowing being.

"So that's why we have to deal with it." Tony muttered as Steve nodded.

"So a non human being stealing bodies, sounds like fun." Clint groaned as Steve sighed.

"I know everyone is tired but once this is done let's hope we get a break." Steve said as the team grumbled under their breaths.

"Tony and I will go to the morgue and see if we can get anything, and set up surveillance that will hopefully lead us back to the persons hide out. Everyone go get some rest for now."

"Two working bodies? That's it? Are you serious Y/N!" A voice said in your head as you groaned and went back to working on the dead body in front of you.

"I had like ten but they all failed the tests, now shut up Kate and let me do my work." You growled as she groaned within your head.

Ok yes, maybe you were criminally insane like everyone said. But you weren't insane, you weren't crazy. These 'demons' had possessed your body a long time ago, there was about ten of them give or take. You had forgotten when they first came into your body but it was a few hundred years ago. They had kept you alive for all these years, but now they wanted their own bodies and you were happy to oblige. So you began stealing bodies and working on them to try and get them ready for the demons to go into. You had two bodies in cryo that you were going to try out today, you just couldn't work out which two were gonna go into the bodies first.

"I have been here the longest! I deserve a body first!" Zeke shouted as you sighed and finished work on the third body.

"Alright this one needs to go in cryo for a while, now all of you work out who's going into the two bodies to start with." You growled as you hauled the body into the cryo pod.

"Ok Leo and Kate are going to be the first two." Gal said as you nodded and hauled the two bodies out of the cryo pods. You hook some things to the bodies heads and then laid beside them connecting some cables to your head. You relaxed your body and pressed a few buttons on a tablet as you took in a deep breath. You screamed in pain as you body began to convulse on the table.

"Hang in there Y/N, it's almost done." Gal whispered as you shut your eyes tight, you gasped as the pain stopped and you caught your breath. You quickly sat up and looked beside you to see the bodies laying still.

"Come on Leo, come on Kate." You whispered as they shot up and took in a deep breath. You gasped and wrapped your arms around Leo. His body was tall and slim with dark brown hair, Kate's body was smaller and chubbier with blonde hair. Leo chuckled and wrapped his arms around you.

"Feels good to really feel you darling." He whispered as you smiled and pulled away.

"Don't fucking hug me!" Kate shouted as you chuckled.

"Well, since that's done I'll see you losers never." Kate said as she went to leave but Leo stopped her.

"Kate, you can't just leave. Anything could happen while you're in that body. I need to monitor you for a while, and you need to learn how to blend in with humans." You growled as she came up to you face to face.

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