Hela - Forget the past

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“Where are you going?” You asked Hela as she kissed your forehead.

“There’s a lot I have to attend to dear, I’ll come back as soon as possible.” She said as you smiled and watched her leave.
You would’ve done more in that moment if you knew it was the last time you would see your love.


It had been a day, you were worried. Suddenly guards rushed into your bedroom and grabbed you as you screamed and tried to fight them off.

“W-What are you doing!? Where’s Hela!?” You screamed as they dragged you to the throne room where Odin sat.

“My King, I don’t understand.” You said as he walked down to you and sighed.

“A good child like you should never have been messed up in all of this. Hela is dead my child.” He said as you paled.

“No! No why!?” You screamed as tears ran down your face.

“I had to kill her, she was out of control. We can’t afford you using your magic to bring her back. Forgive me child.” He whispered as he reached his hand up to you.

“You cannot remember her, but we will take care of you.” He said as his magic surrounded you.

“No! No please!” You screamed as he entered your mind. Frigga watched sadly from beside the throne as you stopped trying to break free and your memory was erased. You collapsed to the floor as the guards quickly caught you.

“I know this seems cruel but this was the only way.” He muttered as the guards took you away.


It had been many years since that day. Thor had gone to Midgard, Loki had ‘died’ you were the only one who knew that ‘Odin’ was actually Loki, you didn’t know where the real Odin had ended up. But your only purpose was to the throne, so you served whoever sat there. You heard gossip that Thor would be returning soon, you hadn’t seen him in so long and you did miss him. You practically raised Thor and Loki.
You stood next to ‘Odin’ as the play was acted out, you wanted to hit Loki on he back of the head for being such a brat, but he was your King now. Suddenly you heard a noise and saw an all to familiar sight coming towards you.

“Thor.” You whispered as you smiled, you quickly crept through the crowd and ran up to him as his serious face turned into a smile.

“Y/N, it’s good to see you.” He said as you ran up and hugged him.

“It’s good to see you too dear, I missed you.” You said as you gently pulled away.

“Is father here?” He asked as you paled a little.

“W-Well um yes? L-Loki is pretending to be Odin.” You whispered as he groaned and made his way through the crowd.

“Thor wait!” You called out as he stormed up to ‘Odin.’

“A-Ah, my son. W-What a surprise.” He said as you awkwardly looked away from him. Thor threw his hammer as far as he could and made ‘Odin’ stand in front of it, you sighed and stood aside and you watched Loki chicken out and let his illusion down as he smirked.
Thor filled Loki in on Ragnarok  and they both rushed off to Earth to find Odin.


You paced back and forth in the square as you noticed Heimdale leading a bunch of Asgardian’s with him.

“Heimdale, what’s going on?” You asked as he glared at you.

“Stay here, do not follow us.” He said as he stormed off with the Asgardian’s. After a while you felt the ground shake and looked over to see someone coming through the bifrost, Loki and Thor must have returned.

In the bifrost Hela had arrived.

“Can I help you?” The guard said as she smirked.

“I’m your Queen, you follow whatever I say. Now, I’ve been gone far to long. I need someone to tell me everything I need to know, can you do that?” She asked the man as he gulped and shook his head.

“N-No, but the Kings main servant will help. She knows everything.” He said as he smirked.

“Well, let’s waste no time and find this peasant.”


You sat in the middle of square and waited for Loki and Thor, suddenly there was a flash of green light and you looked up to see a woman in black staring at you.

“That’s the one your majesty.” The guard beside her said as you stood up and backed away. Her magic wrapped itself around you and she dragged you towards her.

“You will tell me everything I need to know, and if you dare disobey I will....”

“Y/N?” She whispered as he face fell.

“P-Please let me go.” You muttered as her magic let go of you and you fell onto your knees.

“My love, you’re alive.” She whispered as she kneeled in front of you and held your face.

“W-What?” You asked as you looked into her eyes.

“Y/N, do you not remember me love?” She asked as you shook your head.

“I-I’m sorry I think you have the wrong person.” You whispered as she closed her eyes and entered your mind. She screamed in frustration as you flinched away from her.

“They erased your memory.” She hissed as you looked up at her. She helped you off the floor as she ran her hand over your cheek.

“My darling, I know you don’t remember me. But we used to know each other. Odin erased your mind.” She said as you looked at her in confusion.

“The king would never do such a thing, you are lying!” You shouted as you pushed her away from you.

“What have you done with the Princes!?” You shouted as she looked at you sadly.

“They took you away and made you into a servant. My love, I promise they will all pay.” She said as her magic surrounded you and you passed out.

“Take her into the castle and make sure she’s safe and can’t escape. I have things I need to do.” She said to the guard as he nodded and picked you up.

“Time to bring back the old days.”


You woke up and groaned as you looked around to see yourself in a guest room.

“Easy darling.” You heard a voice say as you looked up to see the woman from before. You tried to move away from the bed but her magic trapped you there.

“P-Please, I have nothing to give. I’m just a servant.” You said, her eyes looked so sad as she gazed at you.

“The spell he cast on you in far to strong for me to undo. Guard! Bring him in!” She shouted as guards dragged Loki in.

“Loki!” You shouted as he looked up at you.

“Y/N! What are you doing to her!?” Loki shouted as the made him stand in front of you.

“Odin placed a spell over her memory, I need your power to help release her.” She said as you watched Loki.

“Why would I help you?” He growled as he summoned a knife and held it to your throat.

“Her life hangs in the balance.” She growled as Loki sighed.

“Why would Odin erase out servants memory?” He asked as Hela sighed and looked down at you.

“Because we were in love, and they hated her for that.” She hissed.

“If I do this, you must leave Asgard and never return.” Loki growled as Hela chuckled.

“No, Asgard is my birth right.” She said as Loki smirked.

“Then I guess you’re going to have to kill her.” He said as your eyes widened.

“If what you’re saying is true, we will let you both go to Midgard where you can’t use your magic and you can both live happily there together and never return to Asgard.” Loki said as Hela looked down at you worried face.

“Get her memory back and then we will talk.” She said as Loki nodded. They both placed their hands on your head as you closed your eyes. Your head began to hurt as tears streamed down your face, the pain kept getting worse.

“Stop! Please!” You shouted.

“Just a bit longer.” Loki said as their magic repaired your mind, you screamed just as they pulled their hands away. You gasped and took deep breaths as you looked down at your hands. Hela gently made you looked up at her as you began to cry.

“Hela.” You whispered as you jumped up and hugged her tightly.

“My love.” She whispered as she kissed your passionately.

“Please stop all of this, we can go to Midgard and be together.” You whispered as she kissed your forehead.

“If that’s what you truly want, I will follow you anywhere.” She said as you smiled.

“Take her somewhere safe on Midgard, I will help you defeat Ragnarok and then I will never set foot in Asgard again.” She said to Loki as he nodded. You hugged Hela tightly again and kissed her.

“I love you.” You whispered as she smiled.

“I love you too, I’ll see you on Midgard my darling.”

(Hope you liked it! I love doing Hela ones. I might do another once I’ve finished other requests)

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