Forgotten - Part 2

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You shut your eyes tight and tried to ignore the voice.

"You ok Y/N?" Bucky asked as you brushed it off and nodded.

"Y-Yeah, I think I'm just tired." You said as they nodded.

"We'll let you get some rest." Steve said before they said goodbye and left.

"Tsk tsk little one." The voice said again as you shook your head.

"Go away." You growled lowly as you closed your eyes.

"You've really disappointed me darling." The voice said as you stood up and paced. You ignored the dizziness and the pain.

"I-I won't listen to you." You growled softly.

"You're never going to escape me." He growled back as you laid back down and closed your eyes. Your exhausted body finally relaxed as you fell asleep.

You woke up tied to a metal table as you looked around you to see doctors. Your mouth hurt so much.

"That's what you get for escaping!" A voice shouted as you felt a hand go around your neck.

"P-Please." You whispered as you cried in pain.

"I'm going to keep you awake while the doctors fix you a new mouth piece." He growled as you shook your head.

"I-I'm sorry." You whispered as a doctor began cutting parts of your skin away making you scream.

You were screaming in your sleep as Bucky rushed into the infirmary, he knew all to well what was happening.

"Y/N! Come back! It's just a dream!" Bucky shouted as you shot up in the bed.

"No, please please. I'm sorry, stop it!" You screamed as Bucky slowly stood beside you.

"Y/N." He whispered as you looked up at him and began crying.

"S-Soldier, I-I'm sorry. I-I'll be good." You whispered as he gently wrapped his arms around you.

"Shh, you're safe." He whispered gently running his hand through your hair.

"You've been bad little one." The voice hissed as you cried more and clutched onto Bucky.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." You whispered as he gently rocked you back and forth.

"Shh doll, I've got you. No ones going to hurt." Bucky whispered as you cried, Steve and Tony entered the room.

"Is she ok? We heard screaming." Steve asked as Bucky held you tighter.

"Yeah, just a nightmare." Bucky muttered as they nodded.

"I-I can hear a voice." You whispered as you shut your eyes tightly.

"You bitch!" The voice hissed as you flinched.

"But we took out the device, there's no way she could still hear someone." Tony said as he gently looked over your wound and in your ear.

"Maybe it's a PTSD thing, Bucky heard voices for a while." Steve said as Tony nodded.

"Tell us what the voice says when it does talk ok?" Tony said as you nodded then hid your face on Bucky's chest.

"Shh doll, I've got you." Bucky whispered as he held you.

"Longing." The voice hissed, suddenly you didn't have control of your own words.

"Longing." You whispered as Bucky's eyes widened.

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