Avengers - Robot / part 2

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"Hey Y/N. Do you think we could talk?" You heard Bucky say as you looked up from cleaning the dishes.

"Of course Mr. Barnes." You said as you looked at him expectantly.

"In private?" He asked as you nodded and followed him out onto the balcony.

:Elevated heart rate:

"I-I wanted to talk about my n-nightmares and some things that have been happening. Steve suggested talking to you." He said as you nodded.

"Why don't we sit down?" You said as you both sat on the deck chairs and faced each other.

"I keep having nightmares that I lose control and kill Steve or some of the team. S-Sometimes, I feel like I crave that blood, I crave the pain. I don't know how to stop it." He whispered as he looked down at his hands.

"With everything you went through it's actually perfectly normal. It was drilled into your mind that you're a killer, so your mind adapted to wanting blood and pain so you wouldn't be so guilty after it. I know it's hard but you need to accept that shadow that's within you. You have to accept these thoughts you have, acknowledge they're there and then move on and understand that it's not you anymore. I know it's hard facing that shadow within you, but the truth is that it just wants to be loved just like you. Accept it as part of you and accept you past and move on. And for the nightmares, I know it may seem strange but try sleeping in someone else's room for a few nights. Or even share a bed with Steve, even just sleeping next to a friend calms down your mind and you know you're safe. And I know you feel safe with Steve." You said as he took in a deep breath and nodded.

"Y-Yeah I'll ask him about it. Thank you Y/N, that actually really helped." He said as he smiled at you softly.

"C-Can I have a hug?" He muttered as you smiled and stood up and gently hugged him.

"Let me know how you go." You said as he nodded and headed back inside. You took in a deep breath as you looked out on the city.

:Energy low:

"Y/N! I need your help!" You heard Tony yell as you found him in his lab.

"I need you to help me with my suit, it needs some alterations." Tony said as you nodded.

You finished up with Tony and left him in his lab.

:Energy critically low:

You were about to go to your room that Tony had set up for you when you heard Thor calling you from the kitchen. You helped him cook fresh cookies, and then Nat called you to help her spar. And then Clint, and then one after the other you kept getting called to different team members. You were helping Peter with his homework when your eyes began flashing red.

"Shit." You muttered as you fell to your knees.

:Shutting down:

You passed out onto your back as Peter looked at you in shock.

"Mr. Staaaarrrrkkk!" He yelled out as Tony came running in.

"Shit, she must've overworked herself." He said as he carefully picked you up.

"It's ok kid she just needs to recharge." Stark said as he carried you down to his lab. He gently laid you on the table and connected a wire into the back of your neck as you gasped and woke up.

"Easy Y/N. You over worked yourself. You'll have to go into recharge mode for a while." He said as you sighed and nodded.

"Sorry, I just didn't find time to take a break." You said as he chuckled.

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