Tony - Before He Cheats

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(Adult themes! Must be bash Steve week I keep making him the villain)

You had been with Steve for two years now. He had come into your life when you were vulnerable and alone, just having come out of Hydra. He got you through it. But after those two years you still weren't ready to be intimate with Steve, it had nothing to do with him. It was all about your time in Hydra, you couldn't bring yourself to even get naked in front of him.

Steve had been distant lately and you didn't know why you were worried you weren't enough for him.

"Y/N, I need to talk to you." You heard a voice say as you looked up to see Steve coming into the main room.

Luckily you were alone in the main room.

"What's up?" You asked as he sat beside you.

"Y/N, I don't how to tell you this. I-I cheated on you." He whispered as your blood ran cold and your eyes widened.

"W-What?" You whispered in disbelief.

"It was with Sharon." He said as you felt tears in your eyes.

"I have need Y/N, needs you couldn't fill. So, I looked for company in someone else." He said making you scoff.

"So, you're blaming this on me?" You growled lowly as Steve sighed.

"Y/N, I understand how hard it was for you after Hydra. But that doesn't excuse you ignoring my needs." He replied as you laughed dryly.

"Well, I hope you two are happy together. I hope you fall in love and have a happy life. Then I hope she fucking cheats on you after having your baby and you get so fucking low you kill yourself." You growled as he looked at you in shock.

"Y/N, don't be like this." He said as you stood up and laughed again.

"Fuck you Steve Rogers, I hope you die in hell. Don't you dare try to blame you fucking another girl on me. We are coworkers that's it, don't try to talk to me or even fucking look at me outside of work. Fuck you." You growled before storming away and into the elevator.

Little did you know Tony was in the other room and had overheard everything. He ran to the elevator and came inside with you as you looked up in shock.

"T-Tony." You muttered trying your best to not cry.

"I heard what happened. Fuck I didn't think Steve could ever do this. Do you want to go somewhere and talk?" He asked as you chuckled.

"I wanna go somewhere and drink." You said making him smile.

"Now that's something I can do for you." He said pressing the button for the ground floor.

"I know the perfect place."

Tony took you to an exclusive club where he could get a private booth away from everyone.

"I'll take a whiskey." Tony said to the waitress.

"Five shots of vodka." You grumbled making Tony chuckle a little.

"Did you have any idea?" Tony asked as you sighed.

"S-Steve and I haven't had sex." You muttered, Tony looked at you in shock.

"O-Oh, I would've thought after two years you would've." Tony replied.

"In Hydra I was...abused. I couldn't even bare to be naked after what they did to me, so I wanted to hold off on sex with anyone because I was terrified." You whispered as Tony nodded.

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