The Soldier - Part 2

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(Trigger warning, torture and hints of sexual assault. Everyone seemed to like this one and want a second part so of course I went ahead and did it cause I love y'all. Also I'm obsessed with Arcane on Netflix, its so good omgggg. Caitlyn is my fav)

You headed down to the main room where you saw Steve and Nat together. You smiled and headed towards them.

"Hey, good to see you awake." Steve said, you walked towards them where they were sitting on the couch.

"I-I saw Bucky on the roof." You muttered as they both looked at you with worry.

"Are you okay?" Nat asked making you sigh softly.

"Not really, he tried to apologise but I couldn't accept it. Not after what he put me through in Hydra. He will always be a monster to me." You whispered doing your best to not cry.

"Y/N, he isn't that person anymore. I know it's going to take a long time for you to heal but you need to realise he's trying to heal too." Steve said as you glared at him.

"Trust me he got lucky, I wish I could've forgotten everything like he did! Forgotten the pain, the torture, the assaults. He's fucking lucky! He's lucky he forgot what he fucking did to me!" You shouted beginning to break down.

"Y/N it's okay." Steve said as you stood up, you grabbed a pillow and threw it across the room.

"How can you say this is okay?!" You screamed at Steve, suddenly the elevator opened and you saw Bucky. Your rage only grew.

"Let's see if the soldier is still in there." You growled storming up to him. You began reciting his trigger words as he grit his teeth together.
You were almost through when Steve grabbed you and covered your mouth. Bucky gripped his head and screamed as Steve arm went around your neck.

"Enough Y/N." He growled before you broke away and scattered away from him.

"That monster is still in there." You hissed pointing at Bucky who was still groaning and gripping his head.

"Y/N, go to your room." Steve growled looking down at you as you laughed dryly.

"What, are you my dad or some shit?" You said as he glared at you. He stalked towards you and looked down at you.

"In your room now, and don't come out until I say. Do I make myself clear?" He growled making you shrink a little.

"Y-Yes." You muttered feeling a little betrayed by Steve. You ran up the stairs and into your room slamming the door shut.
You felt like an angsty teenager, but Steve had used one of your weaknesses against you. You felt just like Ray had made you feel.
You began to cry and basically throw a tantrum, but with this much trauma and emotional baggage I think people would understand that you were never taught to deal with your emotions in a mature way.

An hour later Steve had managed to calm Bucky down and get him to go to sleep. He headed up to your room to see you softly crying in your bed, your whole room was a mess. Steve sighed.

"Y/N." He said, you wouldn't even look up at him.

"Fuck off." You growled as he came over and sat on the side of the bed.

"Doll, I know you're dealing with so much. I'm sorry I was so harsh, but if I hadn't of stepped in Bucky would've become dangerous and hurt someone. I know you want to hate someone for what happened to you, but Bucky isn't the one you should be hating. He's here and he's trying his best to make up for what he did." Steve said resting his hand on your shoulder.

"I'm sorry." You cried out as Steve looked at you sadly.

"I-It's been a year, w-why am I still so weak." You whispered sitting up as Steve gently wiped away your tears.

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