Bruce - Choose

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"Mission briefing in five minutes team." Steve's voice came over the intercom as you got dressed into your agent outfit. (You can decide what that looks like)

You were finally dressed and ran up to the meeting room to only see Steve there.

"You're the only one who's ever on time." Steve said as you chuckled. You sat down and waited for the rest of the team to join you and Steve.

Steve filled everyone in on the mission, there had been a power surge at an abandoned army base and Shield had their suspicions it was a Hydra base.

"Bruce, we might need some muscle. You up for it?" Steve asked as Bruce nodded.

You were all dismissed and made your way to the jet on the roof.

"Hey Bruce!" You shouted as you caught up to him.

"Hey Y/N, how are you feeling about this mission? I know you're still getting used to everyone and everything." Bruce said as you smiled, he was so sweet for worrying.

"I'm a little nervous, but pretty excited to show off my skills." You said as he chuckled lightly. You all made your way into the jet and strapped yourselves in.

"Will Bucky be ok if it is a hydra facility?" You whispered to Steve who sat beside you.

"Yeah, he's made a lot of progress since he's gotten here. Plus I'll be with him the entire time." Steve replied as you nodded.

"Bruce said he's making a lot of progress in therapy, must be good to slowly get your best friend back." You said making Steve smile.

"Yeah, it's nice to see him healing." Steve whispered as he looked at his friend longingly.

You sat in the jet and chatted with Steve the entire time, finally the jet landed at the base as you all geared up.

"Bruce, Nat and Y/N you guys handle the perimeter." Steve gave orders as you nodded and left the jet with them both. You split up Bruce and you on top of a hill where you could watch anyone that went in or out, and Nat at the back entrance to the base. The rest of the team were inside.

You had your sniper riffle ready as you looked around. Suddenly you heard a scream and looked over to see Nat being grabbed. You quickly shot the guy in the head as she broke free. Suddenly another one grabbed her as you heard an almighty raw beside you. Shit.

"Hulk no!" You shouted as he bounded down towards Nat.

"Team, Hulk is out!" You shouted as you went to stand up but you felt a foot on your back and the click of a gun.

"I don't think so." A voice said as you quickly jumped up and knocked him over. You were about to shoot him in the head but a gunshot went off. The man below you laughed as you looked down to see he had shot you in the ribs.

"You bitch." You growled before shooting him in the head. Hulk came running back to you as you fell to the ground.

"T-Take me b-back to the jet." You hissed out before hearing Nat shout again.

"H-Hulk, Nat can handle herself. I-I can't with a bullet in m-my ribs." You groaned out as he looked between you and Nat.

"Natasha means more to Hulk." He said as you stared up at him in shock.

"N-No! Fuck!" You swore as he ran off. Your comm had fallen out somewhere, you got onto your knees and groaned as you looked for the earpiece.

"Bingo." You muttered as you grabbed in and put it but in your ear.

"T-Team, I've been hit I need someone to help me get back to the jet." You groaned out as you fell against a tree and groaned in pain.

"On my way Y/N." Steve said as a tear ran down your face. You felt dizzy and like you wanted to sleep, but you couldn't. You needed to stay awake.

"Y/N!" You heard someone shout as you saw Steve running up to you.

"S-Steve, thank god." You whispered as he gently picked you up.

"Team pull back, we need to get Y/N back to the tower!" Steve shouted as your vision began fading.

"S-Steve, g-gonna pass out." You whispered as your eyes slowly closed.

"Dammit! Everyone hurry up and get back to the jet!" Steve shouted as he ran in and laid you down along the seats.

"You're gonna be ok Y/N." Steve whispered as he sat on the floor beside you and gently ran his hand through your hair waiting for everyone to come back.

"Y/N!" Bruce shouted as he ran into the jet.

"I-I was with her, w-what happen?" Bruce stuttered as he sat down and placed your head on his lap.

"Y/N said that the Hulk came out." Steve said as Bruce sighed.

"I was fighting off some agents and it must've triggered Hulk, he left Y/N to get to me." Nat as Bruce rubbed his head in frustration.

"That big idiot!" He cursed as he looked down at your pale face.

"I need to slow down the bleeding." Bruce muttered as he ripped some material off his shirt and pressed it into your wound to slow the bleeding. He gently ran his finger over your sweaty cheek as he sighed. Everyone got back into the jet and made their way back to the tower as fast as they could.

They finally arrived and Bruce rushed you into the infirmary, he placed a mask over your face to make sure you wouldn't wake up as he got to work as fast as he could.

"Stay with me Y/N."

Bruce had successfully removed the bullet, but you had broken your ribs. He sat beside you as you breathed quietly in your sleep.

"Bruce?" He heard a voice say as he looked up to see Tony and Steve entering.

"She's stable, but she broke several ribs." Bruce whispered tiredly as he looked at your pale sleeping face.

"Why don't you go get some sleep Bruce? We can watch over her." Steve said as Bruce sighed.

"This is all my fault, I can't leave her again." Bruce whispered as Tony and Steve sat on the other side of the bed.

"She'll be ok, she's going to be out for a while there's nothing more you can do Bruce. Go get some rest and we'll wake you as soon as she wakes up." Tony said as Bruce sighed and nodded. He kissed your forehead before he left for his room.

Steve looked at you and sighed softly as he held onto your hand.

"She's gonna be ok Cap."

Bruce was awaken by Tony gently shaking him.

"She's awake." Tony whispered as Bruce rubbed his eyes and stood up following Tony back to the infirmary. You heard a noise and looked up to see Bruce and Tony, you looked away from Bruce as he felt a pang of guilt in his chest.

"Y/N." He whispered as he sat beside you and held onto your hand.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He whispered as you looked at him with tears in your eyes.

"I-I know i-it wasn't you, I-I don't blame you." You whispered as he smiled and kissed your hand softly.

"I'm so glad you're ok Y/N." Bruce whispered.

"I-It hurts like a b-bitch." You muttered as he chuckled.

"Here, I'll get some pain killers." Bruce said grabbing some pills and water.

"We'll go tell the team you're alright." Steve said as him and Tony left. Bruce helped you take the pills and water before he sat back down and took your hand.

"Y/N, whatever happened, that was Hulk. Not me, I would never leave you." He whispered as you smiled and squeezed his hand gently.

"I know Bruce, Hulk is more fond of Nat. It's ok, I know it wasn't you." You replied making him smile softly.

"I love you Y/N."

"I love you too Bruce." 

Marvel Oneshots - Book 3Where stories live. Discover now