Avengers - Control

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(Trigger warning, abuse and trauma. Abusive father. It's quite fucked up, the reason being because it was a nightmare lol)

"He calls himself the what?" Tony asked Steve, the whole team was gathered around the meeting table as Steve showed them some images.

"The Godfather. Original I know." Steve muttered rolling his eyes.

"He's been terrorising the city bit by bit, Strange said he isn't human. He's some kind of demon king. He works with two others, a woman and another man, we don't know how they tie into it. They mainly just follow him around and obey, so my best guess is they're just some kind of mindless demon slave." Steve said changing the image on the projector to a younger man and woman.
Nat rested her head on the table and groaned.

"I'm so sick of non humans, what happened to just kicking some human hydra agents. Not fighting freaking demons." She grumbled as Steve sighed.

"I know it's taking a toll on everyone, but there's no one else to handle all of this. Go get some rest, I have a feeling he's going to strike again soon." Steve said as everyone groaned and exited the room.

You were sleeping peacefully on your shitty mattress when you felt someone kick you awake.

"Get up bitch." Someone growled as you looked up to see your brother Aaron kicking your side.

"Fuck off." You growled making him laugh and grab you hair pulling you onto your knees.

"I said get the fuck up." He growled again as you groaned but stood up slowly and he let go of your hair.

"What do you want?" You growled at him.

"Father has another target for us to kill." He said as you looked away and sighed, you hated this so much. You hated killing innocent people just so your father could have souls for hell.

"Something wrong?" Aaron asked as you looked back up at him.

"It's okay, it's nothing." You muttered before he grabbed your chin and made you look him in the eye.

"Are you second guessing our father?" He whispered as I shook my head a little.

"What's this I'm hearing? Does some need to learn another lesson?" You heard your fathers voice as you looked up from where you and Aaron were in the lush expensive living room. You saw your father entering, he was tall, strong and had dark brown hair and a short beard.

"N-No father, I was just abruptly woken up and wasn't thinking straight." You muttered looking at him, you couldn't help your hands from shaking a little.

"Good, I wouldn't want to punish you again. I would've thought you'd learnt plenty from the last time darling." Your father said as he came over and ran his finger over your cheek softly.

"Of course father. Who is our target today?" You asked looking up at him as he smiled softly at you.

"I want you to kill Tony Stark." He said as your eyes widened. Did he want you both to die? Tony Stark was an Avenger and he was surrounded by Avengers.

"Are you sure father? What do we do about all the team?" You muttered as father grabbed your chin roughly.

"I don't are about the team, make it fucking work." He growled as you shrunk under his powerful gaze.

"Y-Yes father." You muttered before he let go of your chin and smiled. You looked over to see Aaron smiling cockily.

"Both of you go suit up, I'll send the information to you both." Father said before he left and you ran to the armour room in fathers mansion to grab your black suit with a black full head helmet to protect your identity.
Aaron had a similar one just bigger for his larger body.
You quickly got changed into your armoured suit and headed to the garage with Aaron, seeing you had a notification from father on your high tech phone.

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