All of us - Part 2

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(Trigger warning, talks of past trauma)

I lay in my bed staring up at the ceiling. All of this was so new, no one had ever accepted any of us.
Sometimes I miss my old life, when I was a warrior and a fighter. Most of all I miss having time alone, staring up at the stars and knowing I was all there was. But now I share a body with countless other souls that probably miss their old lives too.
It's been a few hundred years since Molly summoned us all, but we all still get homesick.
I decided trying to sleep was pointless so I got out of bed and headed up to the roof where I knew I could get some fresh air, and maybe even see the stars.
I made it up to the roof and stood at the edge as I sighed.

"I was supposed to find Molly peace. I thought this place would do that, so why is she still angry?" I muttered looking out into the city.

"My mission, is to make sure she's safe. But I haven't been able to do that for her. What happened to could she ever feel safe?" I whispered before I heard something behind me, I summoned my sword and pointed it towards the direction of the noise seeing Bucky behind me with his hand in the air.

"Sorry, I didn't want to scare you." He said as I made my sword disappear.

"Were you listening?" I muttered as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"A little, I didn't mean to. I just found you up here and didn't want to disturb." He said as I sighed.

"It's fine." I muttered walking back to the edge of the roof.

"Nova, what happened to Molly?" Bucky asked walking beside me. I sighed and looked at him beside me.

"Molly was born in 1704." I muttered as Bucky's eyes widened.

"Wow, I didn't realise you were all that old." He said as I chuckled a little.

"She lived in a small town, one day when Molly was four years old her town was ambushed by thieves and criminals. Apparently they didn't have to heart to kill a four year old, so they murdered her entire family and took Molly. They didn't want to kill her, but they sure as hell didn't mind..." I paused and took a deep breath as Bucky placed his hand on my shoulder.

"She was a fucking four year old, and they did that to her. They...they fucking touched her and hurt her and fucking raped her. She was fucking four years old!" I screamed as tears began to stream down my face.

"They kept her for over a year everyday doing the same fucking shit. Torturing that poor little girl. One day she snapped, something inside her snapped and she was able to summon all of us into her body. I was the first one to take control, Molly showed me all of her memories, showed me what they had done to her. I was so angry, I lost all control and slaughtered everyone apart of their fucking group. I made sure they all died as painfully as I could make it." I growled as tears streamed down my face freely.

"I've never told anyone." I muttered wiping away my tears. Bucky gently wrapped his arms around me as I cried.

"It's safe with me, I'm glad you told someone. You've had to carry it for so long." Bucky whispered running his fingers through my hair softly.

"I understand why she never wants to come out, or why she would never trust anyone. The things they did to her in that one could recover from that." I whispered slowly wrapping my arms around Bucky in return.

"She's traumatised, and for good reason. You're all going to be safe here Nova." Bucky whispered holding onto me tighter.

"Why don't we go watch some tv?"

Gal pov

The next day Bucky awoke to see he had fallen asleep on the couch and Nova was no longer next to him.
He looked up to see me starring out the big glass window. I had long dark blue hair, pale white skin and wore a light blue breezy dress.

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