Requiem part 2

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"Is that the guy you were talking about?" Bucky asked as you nodded, you're face was pale and you couldn't seem to take a full breath.

"He can't be here." You whispered as you felt Bucky's hand on your shoulder.

"It's going to be ok Y/N, we won't let him get to you." Bucky said as you nodded.

"Here take this. If anything happens press the red button and it'll alert the team." Bucky said as he handed you a small device.

"Thank you, and good luck Bucky." You said as he smiled before leaving.

"He's here." You whispered to yourself as you looked down at your hands. Why couldn't you just have the peace of knowing he was dead? You sighed and made your way up to the living room, you felt awful not being out there helping. Why would Loki do this? Why would he came his death and then attack Midgard? So many questions ran through your mind.

You decided to settle down on the couch and watch live feed of the fight. He had killed innocent humans.
Suddenly you heard a crash and you looked up to see the window smashed and a figure on the ground. You gasped and hid yourself behind the couch and covered your mouth.
You heard the roar of the hulk and felt the ground shake as you looked up to see hulk grabbing Loki. He smashed him onto the floor as you gasped.

"Stop!" You shouted as the hulk looked at you. And then Loki.

"Y/N?" He said as you ran over and stood in front of him.

"I understand he deserves this but we can't stoop to his level and kill him." You said to hulk as he glared at you. He grabbed you and threw you against the wall with suck force you blacked out and crumpled to the ground.

"No!" Loki shouted before the hulk knocked him out as well.


Your body was so weak and sore. Where were you? You opened your eyes looking up to a blank white ceiling.

"Y/N! You're awake." You heard a voice say as you looked to your right to see Bucky next to you.

"What happened?" You asked as you groaned, your head hurt so much.

"Hulk threw you against the wall, he broke your ribs and gave you a concussion. Loki is down in the cells." He said as you groaned and closed your eyes. You felt tears welling in your eyes as you looked away from Bucky.

"Why did he have to survive?" You whispered as you felt Bucky gently take your hand. You looked over to him with tears in your eyes and he smiled kindly.

"I won't let him hurt you." He said as you returned his smile a little.

"How did you two know each other?" Bucky asked as you sighed.

"We were good friends, maybe more. I never knew with him. I was just his vice, just his back up. He treated me terribly, he would hurt me a lot, I always accepted his excuses. I was stupid. When I thought he had died I was so happy and relieved. But now he's alive and here." You said as Bucky gently squeezed your hand.

"You should never have been treated like that." Bucky said as you looked into his kind but pained eyes.

"Thank you Bucky." You said as he smiled.

"I need to see him, I need to know why he did all of this." You said as he nodded.

"I understand. But not today you need to rest." Bucky said as you sighed but nodded. You saw Bruce entering as he looked at you with guilt in his eyes.

"I don't blame you or the big guy one bit." You said as he smiled a little.

"I'm really sorry Y/N." He said as you smiled back at him.

"I know, and I accept your apology." You said as he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you Y/N. Also Loki wanted to give you this." Bruce said as he handed you a small bit of paper. It was in a language you had created as kids. It read 'I'm sorry' you crumpled it up and threw it across the room.

"I'll talk to that monster later." You grumbled as Bruce nodded before he left again. 

"I can come see him with you if you want." Bucky said as you smiled.

"I think it's best I go alone. It could get ugly." You said as he nodded.

"I understand."


You had rested enough and Tony was letting you see Loki. You were in the elevator as you fiddled with your hands nervously.

"I'll wait just outside of the room incase you need me." Tony said as you nodded. You stepped out of the elevator and followed Tony to where Loki was locked in a cell.

"Y/N. You were the last person I expected to see here." He said as Tony left you two to talk.

"I bet you're happy to see me darling, I know I know you were heartbroken thinking I was dead but it's -

You cut him off as you laughed and snorted.

"You're still the same old Loki. Oh my darling you must have wept in your sleep for me!" You mocked as you burst out laughing.

"Loki, when I found out you were dead, I hadn't felt that peaceful and happy in a long time." You said as he looked at you in shocked.

"Y-You were happy I was dead?" He asked in surprise.

"Yes! Loki do you really not remember how you treated me?" You said as he fumbled for words.

"You were my friend Y/N, I loved you." He said as you burst out laughing again.

"Loved!? You treated me like an object, like I was just a reusable toy! You hurt me psychically and mentally for so many years! I thought I was finally at peace when I thought you were dead, but now you're here and I couldn't feel worse. I hate you Loki." You said as he stared at you in shock.

"You're a monster." You growled before you left without another word. You met Tony outside as you took in a deep breath, you hadn't realised how much you were shaking.

"You ok?" Tony asked as you nodded.

"I've never had the guts to stand up to him. And I finally did, it's scary but it feels amazing." You said as he smiled and patted you on the back.

"I'm glad you got some closure." He said as you smiled.

"I'm gonna go find Bucky to talk to him." You said as Tony nodded and you left to get into the elevator. You took deep breaths as you replayed the conversation I'm your head. You were glad Loki finally knew how you felt.
You went up to Bucky's room and softly knocked on the door. He opened it as you smiled and hugged him tightly.

"I'm guessing it went well?" He asked as you nodded.

"I-I finally did it. I finally stood up to him and told him the truth." You said as Bucky smiled.

"I'm glad doll, you deserve closure from that part in your life. Why don't we go get some coffee together?" Bucky said as you pulled away and nodded.

"I'd really like that, we can celebrate my new life." You said as he chuckled.

"All I can say is thank god you fell through the sky."

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