Stucky/Reader - Owned

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(Ok so this one is just pure indulgence, don't worry there's no sexual scenes. Trigger warning for the same ol trauma and ptsd. Please don't judge me)

Hell, that's the only way to explain your life. Everyday was pure hell. It had been like this since you were a kid, you parents had sold you when you were six months old. That was normal in this world. People were sold like animals, it was perfectly legal as well. You just happened to be one of the unlucky few that got sold into this world.

It was happening again, you were being sold again today. You're old master was done with you so there was an auction for you and a couple of other slaves today. A stupid part of you hoped someone would rescue you from this hell, a strong saviour to sweep you away from this horrid place. But that wouldn't happen, you knew that. People who bought people weren't good, they were never good. You were dressed in just a white cotton short dress, a metal collar around your neck and a muzzle on your mouth to prevent you from speaking. You had so many scars over your body, you were used and broken. You looked over to see some of the newer slaves, they were terrified. Your dead eyes wouldn't even shed a tear for them, there was no mercy in this world, you were used to that.

"Come here." You heard a voice growl as you were yanked along out to the stage, you were one of the last ones to go out. The man threw you onto the ground making the crowd laugh.

"Get up." The man at the podium said as you quickly stood up and kept your eyes down.

"Now, this one is used, broken and definitely not innocent." The man joked making everyone laugh again.

"Can I heard $30?" He said as you closed your eyes. That's all you were worth, $30, your whole life.

"Look at that, no one will even buy you for $30." He said laughing at you.

"One thousand dollars!" You heard a voice shout as your eyes widened and you looked up to see two tall business men, one was blonde and the other brunette.

"Wow, nothing like this has every happened. I guess these men really like their pets to be dirty whores." The man said laughing again, another man came over and grabbed you off the stage pulling you along to your new owner, or owners. The man dragging you threw you at the two mens feet as they handed him the money.

"We'll take it from here, thank you." The blonde man said as he helped you up, you didn't dare look into their eyes.

"Let's get you out of here." The brunette one whispered as he gently fixed your dress up. What were they doing? Playing kind in front of a crowd? The brunette one took your hand and gently led you out of the auction house, there was so many people looking you up and down as they pulled you out and into their fancy black car.

"Hop in the back for us." The blonde one said as you nodded and climbed into the back seat making sure to buckle your seat belt.

"We'll get you back to the estate and get the muzzle and collar off you, then we can get you something to eat." The blonde man said climbing into the passenger side.

"I'm Steve and this is Bucky." He said as your eyes widened. They introduced themselves? You never called your old masters by their names.

They began driving as you kept silent in the back and stared down at your hands. Maybe all of this was just to create a false sense of security.

After some time you arrived at a massive mansion in the country side, you had never been this far away from the city before. The two men got out of the car and came around to you to help you out. You took Steve's hand and let him lead you to the front door, you were cold and afraid, you couldn't help but shiver.

Marvel Oneshots - Book 3Where stories live. Discover now