Loki/Bucky - Castle - Part 2

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"That's Loki?" Bucky asked as you just stared at him with a pale face.

"Doll, it's ok. We're going to sort this out. Let's go suit up." Bucky said as you nodded. You both ran down to the training rooms where your suits were. You quickly got dressed at the whole team headed out. You were about to run towards Loki when Bucky stopped you.

"Y/N, we don't know what he could do." Bucky said as you looked at the Avengers beginning to fight him.

"He'll stopped once he sees me, I have to try Bucky." You said as you ran to the front of the battle.

"Loki! Stop this!" You shouted as he looked down at you.

"Y/N?" He muttered as you slowly walked towards him.

"Please Loki, you must stop this madness." You said as he laughed.

"I'm not going to let a pathetic servant stop me." He hissed as he sent a blast towards you.

"Y/N!" You Bucky shouted as it hit your body and sent you flying back. Bucky ran up to you as you groaned.

"Shit, Y/N what were you thinking!?" Bucky scolded as he helped you sit up.

"I-I don't know. H-He's different." You muttered as you looked around.

"I have to keep fighting." You muttered as you stood but fell back, Bucky caught you as you closed your eyes.

"Y/N take it easy, that blast was pretty strong." Bucky said as you nodded. You leant against a wall on the side of the road and caught your breath. You saw Steve, Nat and Bruce on the floor injured.

"Y/N! I need you to heal everyone and help us!" You heard Tony shout through the comms as you quickly ran over to Steve.

"Bucky get out here!" Clint shouted as Bucky quickly kissed you and ran into the battle. Steve woke up as he groaned, you looked down to see a big wound on his torso.

"Steve, just focus on me and breath." You said as he nodded. You closed your eyes and kept your breathing steady as your magic wrapped around him and began healing him. He groaned in pain as you finished up stitching the wounds together.

"I'm almost done." You whispered as you concentrated your magic and finished healing his body. He shot up and gasped as he got his breath back.

"Thank you. Go tend to Bruce and Nat." Steve said as you nodded and ran over to the two of them. You grabbed one of their hands and concentrated your magic on the both of them.

The battle had been going on for a tiring 3 hours now. You were all injured but you had no time to heal everyone.

There was one way to stop this. You grabbed your gun and ran to where Loki was.

"Loki!" You shouted as you pointed the gun to your head.

"Stop this, or I'll shoot." You said as he looked at you in shock.

"You don't have the guts." He said as you smiled sadly.

"I don't know what happened to you, but I'm sorry it did. I'm sorry." You whispered as you cocked the gun and closed your eyes.

"Stop! Ok, I'll come with you, I'll stop all of this." He said as you sighed a breath of relief. Tony and Steve quickly grabbed him and cuffed him as you ran up to Bucky and hugged him tightly. Loki looked at the two of you as you kissed Bucky.

"She moved on." Loki whispered as Steve looked back at you and Bucky.

"Yeah, she found someone who actually cares." Steve said as Loki bowed his head.

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