Steve - I'm sorry

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(Deals with mental illness so if you're uncomfortable with that please be wary)

You had been in this mental institution for a while now. You can't remember why you came here, the doctors said it was because of an accident that damaged your brain. You didn't mind it here, it wasn't like those scary places in the movies. You had a nice room and you got to do so many activities. You never got to go outside but you were thankful they didn't hurt you.

And the best part? Captain America himself would come to visit you. He was your friend, well best friend.

"I heard you'll have a roommate now, there's a new girl coming in today." Your friend Arin said as you looked up from the picture you were sketching.

"I hope she's quiet, I like quiet when I'm sleeping." You muttered focusing on your drawing.

"Yeah and-

"But then again I hope she likes talking, because I get lonely in my room. And I always like making new friends, and she'll be so excited that I'm friends with Captain America!" You shouted interrupting your friend as they groaned.

"Sorry sorry, what were you saying?" You asked making them chuckle.

"It's fine, I'm used to your interrupting by now." They replied as you chuckled a little.

"What are you drawing?" Arin asked as you showed them your half finished drawing.

"I'm drawing Steve." You said making them roll their eyes.

"Don't you ever think about why he visits a mental hospital? Why he visits you? Maybe it's like a make-a-wish kind of thing, maybe you're dying." Arin said as you narrowed your eyes at them.

"I'm not dying! He just really likes me! We're best friends, you're just jealous I get to be besties with Captain America." You taunted back at them as they shook their head and ignored you.

You loved when Steve would come visit you, he was always so nice to you. And usually brought you gifts. You heard some commotion and looked up seeing the new girl stumble in. She already looked like a brat.

"Y/N over there will be your roommate, you can go talk to her." One of the nurses said as the dark haired girl came over to you and Arin and sat across from you both.

"So why the fuck are two here?" She grumbled as you chuckled a little. Arin just ignored you both and walked away.

"I don't know why I'm here." You replied starting the line art on your sketch.

"Who are you drawing?" She asked looking down at your paper.

"Captain America, he's my best friend. He comes to visit me." You said making her scoff.

"So, that's why you're here. You're fuckin' delusional." She grumbled as you just rolled your eyes.

"He's coming in to visit me tomorrow and you'll see I'm not lying." You mumbled in response continuing on your drawing.


"You going to visit Y/N today?" Tony asked Steve as he put on his coat and nodded.

"Still haven't told her the reason she's there?" Tony asked making Steve sigh.

"No, I haven't. She wouldn't understand, she needs the lie. She needs me." Steve replied as Tony nodded.

"Tell her we say hi." Tony muttered before Steve left.

The institute was about a 15 minute walk from the Avengers tower.

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