Bucky - Let Go of Me

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(This is really short, i just wanted to get some feelings out. Yes I'm crying. Also just one more one shot and this book will be done and I'll start the fourth one shot book!)

Time is a funny thing, it always moves at one speed. But every once and a while it changes, a minute can feel like an hour, an hour can feel like forever or a day can go by with the blink of an eye.
I knew this day would come, I'm immortal. I knew one day I would outlive him, one day I would have to say goodbye.
I just didn't think it would be this soon. It was the year 2030, the world was the same. The Avengers weren't, they had all gone their seperate ways, Steve died two years ago. The serum eventually killed him, and I knew it would eventually take Bucky.
I was sat in the hospital beside his bed as I watched him sleep peacefully. I closed my eyes and opened them again but Bucky was gone. I looked up to see he was in a suit standing up across from me.

"Dance with me?" He asked as I stood up and took his hand gently, suddenly I was in a red slim dress and lights lit up the room.

"Please don't go." I whispered as soft music began to play and we started to slowly dance.

"We knew this day would come doll." He replied as tears came to my eyes.

"I don't want to say goodbye, I've lost so much. I can't lose you too." I whispered trying to not cry my eyes out.

"We have so many happy memories together love, cherish them. But I don't want you to spend your life grieving me, after I'm gone you need to move on. Yes I want you to always remember me, but you need to let me go doll." He replied looking down at me as I felt tears stream down my face.

"I love you so much, I love you more than anything in this world. Don't ever forget that okay?" He said as I looked up at him and nodded.

"I won't ever forget you Barnes." I whispered before things began to fade away.

"I love you." I whispered, I opened my eyes and I was back at Bucky's bed side. Things began to beep and suddenly the room was filled with doctors and nurses.
I've been through a lot of life, a lot of death and a lot of heartache. But losing him was the hardest thing I ever had to do.
Saying goodbye to the one person I loved more than life itself, saying goodbye to the person that understood me more than anyone.
But he was right, I couldn't spend my life chasing a ghost. Bucky was gone and I needed to move on.
Still, my mind always wandered to our memories together.
I remember being on the roof of the Avengers tower, talking about our nightmares and our pasts.
He would always listen, no matter what.

It's hard looking back on memories, being immortal...it's always been hard looking back at memories.
They're there, but they're a time you can never return to. You try as hard as you can to cling to those memories once everyone you love is gone. You hold onto them as tight as you can...but in the end, you need to let them go. There's no use living in the past, remember the happy times, remember the sad times but don't get so caught up in the past that you forget what's happening in the future.
The Avengers and Bucky, while they were such a huge part of my life. They're gone, Natasha was the last to go. That was a long time ago, I've loved since then, but nothing was ever like what I had with Bucky.
Sometimes I find my mind wandering back to them and those times. I just smile and I move on, because I have a whole life ahead of me, a whole new story begins whether we like it or not.
It may hurt to let go of the past, but sometimes that's all we can do...all we can do is let go.
And it'll be okay.

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