Steve - Thursday

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(This one is yet again based off a nightmare I had. So it's quite odd and dark. Of course trigger warning, sexual assault, abuse)

(I dislocated my knee! It hurt so bad and was absolutely terrifying. I had to get an ambulance to come to my house. I'm walking with crutches and having to wear a knee brace but luckily there's no broken bones! I'm going in for another check up in a week to see how it's going so i'll keep you all updated)

Another hit came down upon your shaking cold body as you shook from the pain and chill in the air. You should be numb to this by now. But you weren't, every punishment hurt more than the last.

"You can't do anything right!" The woman above you shouted as you flinched. She was short and slim, long blonde hair and mean green eyes. She wore her hair in a high pony tail while she beat you.

"Get the hell out of my sight." She growled as you ran away back into the main room where you were met with her mother. She was tall, slim like her daughter, but she had silver hair and red eyes.

"Don't take it personally darling, sometimes Mary just gets a little angry you understand that don't you?" She said as you tried to catch your breath.

"M-Mistress, I'm sorry. I was just heading to get cleaned up before serving your drink." You said as she smiled down at you.

"So obedient aren't you darling." She praised as you felt blood trickle down your face.

"Obedient! She's a stupid fucking slut! The only thing that's good about her in her body!" You heard Mary shout as you flinched.

"Now dear, be more gentle. Go cool off, she's taken as much as she can." Mistress said as you sighed in relief.

"Fine." She hissed before storming off.

"Go clean yourself up darling, I would like to use that lovely body."

You stumbled back to your small room with just a sheet draped over your bruised body. You looked into your small room with just a mattress and blankets on the floor. But if you were being honest it was your paradise, somewhere you could be completely alone. Somewhere you could escape the hell you lived in. You saw your small teddy in the corner of the room as you stumbled over and held onto him tightly. You laid down and wrapped yourself tightly in your blankets.

"S-She did it again." You whispered to your teddy as a tear ran down your cheek.

"I-I don't like when she does it teddy, i-it hurts." You muttered as you began to cry.

"I-It hurts less then when master does it t-though so I should be thankful, right?" You whispered through your tears.

After sobbing to yourself your body gave up and fell unconscious letting you rest.

Today was Thursday. Your favourite day, the day where you would be able to go out on your own and do the grocery shopping. Yes Mistress had a tracker on you and could see you at all times but it was still the best day. You could see the outside world, watch people go about their day, see families.

You quickly got dressed into a shirt and jeans before going back into the main room of the mansion where you saw your mistress and master.

"Oh dear, please put some make up over those awful bruises on your face dear. We don't want people questioning now do we?" Master said as you nodded and looked away.

"The money and shopping list is on the bench. Fix yourself up then go." He continued as you nodded and quickly ran to your room scavenging for your shitty make up. You quickly covered up the bruising on your face with your concealer and foundation before running back out and grabbed the money and list.

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