Izuku's quirk is Plauge. It allows him to turn whoever he touches into legitamite zombies. It only works on one person, and from there Izuku must let the virus spread naturally. If the first infected dies, Izuku regains the ability to infect. Again, it only works once. The First Infected is always stronger and tougher than the others. It spreads just like in zombie shows, except Izuku's zombies have fangs that extend out of thier canines. They have microscopic holes at their ends that excrete the plague in liquid form, and will infect through any means of contact with the living. Weather through touch, bloodstream or ingestion it matters not. Any and all bare contact with it means infection. Izuku is the source as well as the cure. His blood is the cure, more specifically. One drop and the recently infected can be cured. If it's been in their system for more that a week however, they will simply disintegrate. Izuku is also immune to them and can command them like Nomu. He can also tell them who to and who not to infect. The Plauge is immune to quirks that would normally resist or cure them, instead pulling an Uno Reverse and tearing the quirk factor to smithereens before attacking the immune system and Zombifieing them after a week. Then, they are Quirkless Zombies. [Yes, Zombies can use quirks] People [or animals] with intelligence quirks stay sentient as zombies, except are loyal to Izuku and follow his commands.
When infected, the symptoms are as follows:
Vertigo and Nausa is the first stage, degradation of the senses starts on the second day, dimming sentience starts on the third, slower heartbeat starts on the 6th day, and eventually [after a week on the dot] death. Once dead, they are fully Zombified and cannot be cured, only killed.
Izuku personally can only infect one person. He has to rely on his zombies to infect more than that.
Zombies slowly degrade. They cannot fully degrade, but they will slowly rot until they hit the hard limit. [This process works naturally. They are, after all, corpses. Embalming them stops their degradation.]
MHA Story And Quirk Ideas
FantastikStory/Plot and Quirk Ideas I have no motivation to make, but think sound really cool! The entries with Quirk : [Name Here] means this entry is about a quirk idea! The entries with Story: [Name Here] means it's a story idea! If they're combined, it m...