Ham and Cheese

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--- Roosters Point of View ---

I found that I was jolted awake by movement, I looked at the bed and Chase was still sound asleep, it was then that I felt a hand on my shoulder.

Maverick stood there looking at me.

"Hi." I didn't know what else to say. He gave me an understanding smile, when I looked into his blue eyes I realized that we had more in common than I thought, we had both lost someone that we love.

"I'm so sorry Bradley."

"Thank you."

He pulled up a chair next to me and looked at her.

"She okay."

I looked back at her.

"She's sedated."

I looked at Mav feeling the sadness and desperation in his voice start to stop my tone, but I swallowed the emotions and continued, this man was like a father to me, and I knew that I needed some guidance.

"She's pregnant with his kid, I don't know how to comfort her, I don't know what to do."

"Do you love her."

There was a sharpness in his voice that shocked me, I looked over at him surprised.

"Yes, more than anything."

"Do you love that baby she is having?"

I wanted to cry, I did because it was half hers, but also because it was half Hangman's.


"Then you should stay with her, I have seen the way that she looks at you, she loves you, you are going to need to be the strong one here."

I felt the tears start to fall.

"I know."


I looked over and saw that he was holding a sandwich, form the looks of it, it was a ham and cheese one from one of my favorite places off base.

I hesitated.

"You need to eat, you tend to not eat when you are upset, eat all of this and when she wakes up you need make sure she eats."

"I don't know what we are going to do after this."

"I recommend the two of you leave for a while, I know that she has more – means that you do, but you need to get her away from here for a while, away from the memories."

I nodded, I didn't want to be here either.

"Thank you Mav."

He stood up.

"Call and text me often, I'll come and visit where you are, if you need anything, please ask."

I smiled at him, grateful that I had him.   

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now