Arc I - Chapter 3

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Just as anyone would suspect, the extra laps went horribly. Carl tripped me twice and when we were heading back, clocked me over the back of the head. Right now, I was currently missing my third period since I was in the Nurse's Office. I was given some pain medicine and an ice pack. I opted not to say anything about Carl causing any of this since I know the repercussions. Not only will some of the teachers just not care but Carl and his group will attack me again for snitching. I'm sure Sonya was freaking out right now and will most likely pick a fight later. I'm more worried about her than all the homework I'm going to be doing this weekend. I'm gonna have to call and let my step-mom know I might not be able to come in Monday.

She'll be upset but my grades are important and she wouldn't stop me from catching up. She might dock my pay but if it's nothing drastic then it won't matter. My bills aren't due for another week and a half so I should be okay. Really hope the others don't cancel our trip to the arcade later over any of this. Our plans get delayed enough and a few bruises won't kill me. Once I'm feeling a little better, I head on over to my next class. When I was about to reach the door though, the bell rings, meaning it was now time for fourth period. I let out a long sigh as I begin to make my way over. Since I arrived a minute or so ahead of everyone, the teacher, Mr. Kennedy was really happy.

Mr. Kennedy: Ah, Y/N! Early as ever I see.

He then notices the bruises I had and looked somewhat concerned.

Mr. Kennedy: Are you alright today?

Y/N: Just made some mistakes on the track today. I'll be fine.

Mr. Kennedy: If you say so. Please, take a seat.

I nod and go to sit in my usual spot, but I actually stop and shake my head. This time, I sit directly next to where Marco normally sits. This probably got my a weird look from Mr. Kennedy but he didn't say anything. This was just insurance in case something else happens. When everyone else arrived, Marco looked my up and down before sitting down.

Marco: You alright?

Y/N: I'll be fine. Carl couldn't do as much this time around.

Marco: He'll try and do more, I'm sure of it.

We could all agree on that. Class started up again but during that time, I would occasionally glance over to Travis and just about every time I did, he was looking back. You think they'd pick on someone other than just me but apparently, since I play League, that makes me worse than them and nobody would care if I got beat up. Ignorance is bliss as they say. Fortnite is just more popular cause of children with too much time on their hands. Is it more toxic than League? I'm sure there is a lot to draw on with that. It's funny that their histories are so similar too. League was conceived from the original DOTA in the custom campaign maker in Warcraft 3 while Fortnite simply copied PUBG's design after its original design wasn't getting the attention Epic Games wanted it to have.

Video Game companies have been on a downward spiral since what 2016? It feels like they started getting bad at around that time. That was also when we had the worst presidential campaign so it would make sense that video games took a dip as well. These recent pandemic years have been pretty bad as well, especially since it's a worldwide thing. I also just realized I haven't been paying attention at all. Carl really did a number on me if I'm thinking about all this random stuff during class.

Y/N: I didn't take any notes either...

Marco: I'll text you the important stuff after school then.

Y/N: Thank you.

I shoot him a smile and he grins a little in response. The rest of school proceeds as normal until it was time to get out. Playing it safe this time, I kinda spy on Carl as he goes about his business. Y'know, before making my physical health his business. When I snuck over to my locker to get my stuff set up before I leave, I see Sonya storm on over to him. Slamming my locker shut, I go and grab her by the wrist but it barely stops her.

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