Arc VII - Chapter 1

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Ahri POV

Lydia: S-sweetheart? What's wrong?

Y/N still didn't respond, not even to the shaking. I knew just off his emotions that things were worse than they seemed. There was a big mix of confusion, fear, anger, and sorrow. Worst of all was guilt. It all piled together to make this sort of shutdown for him. Kai'sa growled as she reached down and grabbed Evelynn by the necking to pull her closer in.

Kai'sa: What did you do to him!?

Evelynn frowned at her. Sensing her emotions as well, I realized that hers weren't what I expected them to be.

Evelynn: I didn't do anything, aside from the initial problem.

She then grabs Kai'sa by the wrist and disconnects the two of them. Riven actually went in for an attack, probably thinking a fight was about to start, but the blade didn't reach Evelynn. It stopped just a few inches away. Every one of us took a quick glance at Y/N but he was unchanged. Riven then pulls her blade back and the moment she does, Eve disappears.

Kai'sa: Where did-

Teemo: Not far. Come on!

Just as some of us were about to run out after Evelynn, we stopped at the sound of what sounded like a sniffle.

Lydia: Y/N...? Sweetie?

When we all looked back Y/N appeared to be having trouble breathing. He wasn't crying which immediately made Marco crouch at his side.

Marco: Calm down, buddy. You need to breathe.

His lips then suddenly move like he was saying something but only air came out. Kneeling down at his side, I wrap myself around him and his mother, hoping my attempt to comfort him was a good one. It wasn't though as his emotions barely shifted.

Dustin: We need to know what happened in there.

Teemo: Agreed. Anyone who's willing to look, follow me. We're finding that demon.

Dustin, Teemo, Rakan, Kai'sa, and Riven all then walk out, leaving me, Lydia, Marco, and Sonya with Y/N. Whatever was going on with him wasn't just an emotional problem, it was something mental. The look in his eye was the most concerning. He was so close to me yet his eyes suggest he couldn't be any further. Was he seeing whatever he saw over and over again? I wasn't sure if Evelynn even had something to do with this. Yeah, she pissed him off really badly earlier but this... I don't think she had this in mind.

It could cause us agony but... not Y/N. This is too different.

Y/N then suddenly began to hitch his breathing again as he tried to speak.

Ahri: No no, don't speak. Just relax. Here.

Forming a charm between my fingers, I slowly press it into his chest and wait. While his breathing was now at a more steady pace, his eyes were still... distant... empty...

Sonya: Y/N, please, say something. We need to know what happened in there.

Y/N: I...

His breathing hitches again, this time followed by a single tear running down his cheek.

Y/N: I killed him...

While us girls were confused, Marco had a look of shock.

Marco: You killed him...? Oh no...

Sonya: M-Marco?

Marco: A-Ahri, has he's only ever bound a champion to return from Runeterra, right?

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