Arc III - Chapter 18

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After just managing to beat Ahri in the race, We got our dragon-calming quest and moved on. We ended up being relatively slow cause I was a little worn out. This is what happens when you wanna beat a cheater.

Kai'sa: You didn't have to race her.

Y/N: It is my sworn duty to defeat all cheaters and show them the error of their ways.

Ahri: I was gonna win.

Y/N: No you were not!

She sticks her tongue out at me before giggling. Gonna ask Dustin to invade her during Dark Souls and have him point down at her. Speaking of Dustin, I need to get him Godfall soon so we can play it together. I feel kinda bad for leaving him behind but at least the game has coop scaling. If only it didn't have so many other issues.

Kai'sa: How much further?

Pulling up my map to check, I estimate in my head that this would be another twenty minutes before we arrive. No sign of Yasuo so he may be further along.

Y/N: Soon. Let's take a break. I need to let my lungs rest.

Kai'sa: Then I will scout ahead.

Ahri: Be careful.

Kai'sa: Count on it.

She slowly hovers up off the ground before flying above the trees. Now I'm kinda curious if I can get something like that here. It probably isn't a good idea but it would be cool to experiment. I step over to a tree and lay my back against it, trying to get some form of comfort. Ahri sits down next to me and stretches for a moment.

Ahri: You gave me a good workout. Not even gonna lie.

Y/N: You would've won if you had your new boots.

Ahri: Definitely.

I nod slightly before pulling up my menu to check my rank and gold. My gold was in a safe range despite still being low for some items but what really concerned me was the quarter-filled EXP bar. God, it's gonna take forever to rank up again. It'll take even longer to get to Platinum. I can't believe I'm gonna go through the hardstuck gold phase again. A groan escapes my lips as I close the menu.

Ahri: You gonna be okay?

Y/N: Just pressed for time. Ranking up is gonna be hard later on. It doesn't matter how many of you guys I have with me. The process is the same all the time.

Ahri: Longer but safer... Hey, can I ask you something?

When I looked over at her, she had an expression I couldn't quite read. Curiosity maybe?

Y/N: Sure. What is it?

Ahri: What was life like before we came in? Before all of... this.

Y/N: Before all of this?

Certainly nothing like it is now. I... had to stop and think about it for a moment. When I looked back at Ahri, her expression had changed.

Ahri: You're confused...

Y/N: Sorta. I know the answer, it's just... I don't know how to feel about it. One day, it's just another day, like all the others. The daily grind that never seems to stop. It had gotten so... dull. I guess that's the right word?

Ahri: Dull?

Y/N: It felt... unfulling. That's the right word. Yeah, a lot goes on in my life, enough to remind me that I haven't lost my emotions to the cesspool that is League of Legends. But I always wanted more. I hadn't decided what I'd do in College just yet but I always thought about starting my own Esports team for League.

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