Arc V - Chapter 27

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After the others returned from their mission last night which ended in failure, Senna gave them all a scolding just like in the novel. Olaf was convinced to join the Sentinels and given his Sentinel look. I actually decided to keep my distance from him cause shortly after we decided to go to Bilgewater, a swarm of ghouls barged into the base. We were fighting for what Lucian said was about five hours. Thankfully, it was just a bunch of ghouls and nobody important. We did take heavy casualties though.

Vayne: Sixteen dead and thirty injured.

Lucian: We don't have time to mourn the dead. Viego is on the move and we have to leave.

Not gonna lie, I feel really disconnected from this story here. At least with the First Invasion of Ionia, I felt as if a home of mine was threatened. Ionia was where I started after all. The Ruination story though feels so forced. It's like the game just decided to be Linear and not Open-ended. Oh well, things could be worse and we might actually get there. As the others continued to discuss things I walked over to my group and checked my menu. I wasn't far off from ranking now. If I was lucky, I'd rank up today. The issue is that despite their numbers, the ghouls don't give a lot of EXP so I'm hoping for a lot here.

Xanders is nowhere to be found so all my gold doesn't matter. I find it strange that he nor Culvix are around despite how serious this event is. The numbers game we have here at least balances out the need for items. As I close my menu, I see Teemo shadow-boxing while Riven listens to whatever Rakan was talking about.

Y/N: You seemed fired up.

Teemo: You don't know what failure does to a Yordle.

Y/N: I would suspect it's similar to what failure does to a man.

Teemo: Yeah.

Despite losing to Vex, Teemo doesn't seem all that bothered. If anything, he's more determined now. I like serious Teemo but I don't know how seriously I can take him. He is Teemo after all. I looked over to Rakan and Riven with the latter having a genuinely invested look on her face. I snap my fingers, getting Rakan to stop talking.

Rakan: Yes?

Y/N: You two having fun?

Rakan: Oh yeah! I was telling her all about the stuff we do back home.

Riven: He was just talking about a... couch potato?

Y/N: Riiiight.

She'll definitely have the easiest time fitting in seeing that she's the only human without any strings attached. Aside from the sword which we have little idea about since Kai'sa is able to unequip her suit. I'm also quite glad to see that she's doing alright. This Riven in particular didn't actually commit any of those horrible acts to my knowledge so she may not feel as guilty as canon Riven. That'll be much easier to work with but there will be one thing I need to work on and that's her desire to be more. That I believe is this Riven's strongest part right now. I'll just have to worry about it later.

Rakan: I was also telling her about Teemo's Mushroom Pie recipe. It tastes like crap but-

Teemo: Is that why the kitchen was on fire?!

For god sake... Before things could escalate, we were called over to the teleport room. It was mission time. Once we were in Bilgewater, the scene plays out exactly like before, including Gwen. Wait, what?!

Gwen: Hi there!

Rakan: When did she get here?

Lucian: Scissors, didn't you say you wanted to spend time with that fetter? You were the closest to Isolde after all.

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