Arc III Finale - A Single Compelling Voice

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Third Person POV

As the First Invasion of Ionia reaches a brand new climax with Ionia still the victor Y/N ran through the now death-filled castle of Fae'lor. Two lashers plunge into the wall behind him as Evelynn gave chase. She then uses her new bladed whip to grab Ahri's orb and fling it back. While Ahri was able to catch it just fine, Evelynn took the time to get closer to Y/N who ran up the stairs. He would've just run out through the front but that would involve getting past Thresh. Something that Yasuo did not advise as he quickly figured out that Thresh had a hard-hitting strike. Crit items were what Thresh was currently using so getting caught by Thresh was a death sentence.

Y/N was also still a little low on health from the beating he took from Darius so he had to be careful. He kept running and pushes through the first door he found. It was where all the soldiers slept but instead of being in the beds, they littered the floor. Evelynn had somehow snuck into the castle and taken her time killing everyone within it all while the war raged on outside. The sadistic cunning of this demon shook Y/N to his core. Sensing that his standing around had placed him in a bad spot, Y/N rolls out of the way of the bladed whip. Evelynn had intended to wrap it around his neck but his reflexes had gotten better.

Evelynn: Come now, darling. I won't be too rough with you to start. Don't you want to feel good?

Y/N: Go away!

Evelynn: Oh, I love it when shy boys scream in fear.

Ahri nearly roars as she tackles Evelynn down on the ground and begins slamming her face against the stone floor. It didn't last long though as Evelynn stabbed into both of Ahri's sides with her lashers. With the small opening Ahri's scream of pain provided, Evelynn stared directly at Y/N and used her Allure to charm him. Of course, he couldn't resist what was compelling his body. Fortunately, two can play that game and Ahri used her own Charm on Evelynn, distracting her long enough for her Allure to wear off. Ahri then slams her head against the demon's, stunning her for a moment.

Ahri: Y/N, you can't wait anymore. Find someone and bind them, now!

Y/N: Y-y-yeah!

He quickly ran past the two and was going to see if he could get past Thresh. His one option was to Powerball either past or into him if they were at the gate. Yes, they were still at the front gate fighting. Yasuo was on the full defensive, dodging and parrying every one of Thresh's strikes. One hit meant being down. These two had fought one another in the Ruined King game and both had some memory of it, much to the annoyance of Thresh and the convenience of Yasuo. Seeing that there was a window to get out, Y/N swapped Haymaker for Powerball and began to charge up. Thresh took notice and used his Flay to blow Yasuo back, this way he couldn't parry.

Y/N then zoomed right past them but Thresh merely laughed and used his Death Sentence, catching Y/N mid-run. He quickly uses the recast to pull himself to Y/N and immediately smacks him across the face with his lantern. This made Y/N tumble down the ramp the front gate had and into the dirt. Yasuo then dashes into Thresh and used his Steel Tempest spin. Thresh popped his neck and catches Yasuo's second Steel Tempest with his hook.

Thresh: A moment of hesitation is all it takes.

Yasuo: I don't hesitate!

Thresh: Really now?

The two break apart and Yasuo was going to attempt his Steel Tempest again only to stop as Ahri was sent too close to his blade. He took that one moment to pull back and watch as she tumbled down the ramp opposite of Y/N's side. Thresh then grabs Yasuo with his hook and swings him over, slamming down right next to Y/N who had barely recovered from his landing. This would've been the perfect opportunity but Yasuo wasn't low health, he was downed.

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