Arc IV - Chapter 13

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Logan: We have reached the one-hundredth upload for this book with 96 of them being actual chapters. We still got a long way to go.

Kai'sa POV

Today was now Saturday and May was around the corner. Y/N started this odd journey in his life halfway through March I believe, meaning he's been at this for about a month and a half now. He's made decent progress but today he would begin working on himself with me at his side. We were currently on our way to Sonya's home where she lived with a man I don't think I've met yet. I wonder how he puts up with Sonya.

Y/N: Okay...

Kai'sa: Are you alright?

Y/N: Huh? Yeah, just nervous.

Kai'sa: About working out?

Y/N: W-well yeah...? Those two will be easy on me but... this is probably gonna be a constant thing. This may also affect most of what I eat and can do during the day. Meaning I may not have time to hang out with you and the others and second, it will probably affect what you guys get to eat.

A fair reason to be nervous. We can't just eat pizza every day. Ahri has been learning how to cook though and is actually with Y/N's father today. She wanted to learn to cook a bit more and he seemed like the perfect teacher. At least, that's what she thought. This gave Teemo and Rakan more time to plan their little heist. I still don't fully understand it but if it makes Y/N's life easier, I won't object. This was also supposed to be a bonding moment for him and Sonya. Let's hope this doesn't end with a mushroom.

Kai'sa: Well, whatever happens, happens. We'll deal with it as we go.

Y/N: I hope we can. I don't want to be the reason your new home becomes an annoying purgatory.

Kai'sa: I can go outside with little issues. The only thing I'm in need of is clothes that are not Ahri's.

I'm far more interested in the clothes that the boys and Sonya wear. The skirt feels... weird. I know I've been more open on vulnerability but a skirt just feels... too revealing... Despite not really revealing much.

Y/N: If any stores are open, we can go shopping tomorrow or if we have time after this and I don't feel like mush, we can do it later.

Kai'sa: Sounds like a plan.

We kept walking until we reached the house. It was somewhat similar to Y/N's in that it looked quite basic. Y/N quickly finds the spare keys and unlocks the door to get in. When we stepped inside, the interior couldn't be any different. When walking into Y/N's, there were three paths. On the right was the living room, the kitchen and dining room were to the left, and the hall and stairs were in the middle. Each was separated by walls and walkways. This on the other hand opened up directly to a large living room, taking up over half the room. In the corner was a small kitchen that had all the essentials. There were some support beams to keep the second floor up as well so some things were kinda scattered. The last note-worthy thing was the stairs on the wall opposite of the door that led upward with another set underneath it going downward.

Y/N: Knock knock!

There was a bit of silence but after a moment, Sonya popped her head up from what I guess is the basement.

Sonya: Hey you two!

She came up to quickly give Y/N a tight squeeze and even repeated it with me. Unlike Y/N though, I wasn't as bothered.

Sonya: Glad you could make it. We've got everything set up and written down. When we reach your limit, we'll take a break and get some food and water into your system. First though.

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