Arc V - Chapter 25

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Third Person POV

Vex shoots a dead stare at Teemo who looked as if he was gonna puke from embarrassment. The moment he began to lower himself, Vex used her Mistral Bolt that starts slowly before zooming forward. This blew the rock the Sentinels were hiding beneath to pieces and forced them into the open.

Vex: I hate serious talk. Too bad I have to make an exception here...

Teemo: We are not having a serious talk!

Before she could push further, Olaf the Berserker roared with a battle cry and jumped at her. She casually steps back while keeping just close enough to use her Personal Space ability. Like in the original story, Olaf was quite close to losing which would grant him his wish of dying a warrior's death. Unfortunately, the story dictated that he would not meet his end here.

Lucian: I recognize that man. His name's Olaf.

Riven: Not really helpful Lucian.

Lucian: Just calm him down. Me and Teemo will get the Yordle.

Teemo: How about you two do that and I'll deal with Olaf.

Vex: I'm not giving you a choice...

Vex then uses her Shadow Surge ultimate, hitting Lucian with the initial cast. She then uses her recast to teleport to him, hitting him again. She then turns and hits both Riven and Teemo with the Everfrost item cast. With them both being at the center, they were frozen in place. With all her focus on the now-frozen Teemo, Vex was hit in the back by Lucian's Ardent Light. This sent her tumbling down the mountain but her shadow grabs onto a rock and catches her sleeve. This allowed Vex to slingshot back to the mountaintop.

Olaf: Fight me Yordle! We are not finished yet!

Vex: So loud...

Olaf swung both his axes down, causing the snow and stone underneath to fly upward. Vex had dodged the attack with Flash though and hit him with Mistral Bolt point blank. Teemo and Riven were finally free from their frozen state and shook off the damage.

Lucian: All in now!

Both Riven and Lucian jump into the fray with Teemo reluctantly following. Vex and her shadow were forced to play defensively as Lucian shot at her and Riven attempted to bring her sword down. All while staring blankly at Teemo. Olaf did not take this help very well.

Olaf: Stand aside weaklings! The Yordle is mine!

Olaf uses his Undertow ability, throwing his axe through the air. Riven turned and had to use Ki Burst to blow it back. Olaf charges forward, catching the axe midair, and began to wildly swing at Riven. Vex saw this as an opportunity. She sends her shadow up into the air and begins to fire at the ground closest to the edges. Eventually, the ground began to crumble as an avalanche started. Aside from the two melee fighters, everyone was caught in the falling snow. Lucian was lost in the snow with Teemo soon joining him. Vex used her shadow to safely slide down and pull Teemo from the snow. She then uses both casts of Shadow Surge on a poor bird.


Vex: Does anyone ever say yes to that question...?

Both Vex and her Shadow beat on Teemo as they fell through the sky, eventually crashing into a far way down below. The fall put Teemo into a downed state and even hurt Vex quite a bit. That didn't matter though as there was little chance Teemo could beat her after he got back up. As the avalanche continues just underneath them, Riven found herself looking back at it, taking her eyes off Olaf too many times. Olaf then activates Tough It Out and was able to force Riven to the edge, the snow almost giving out under her feet.

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