Arc II - Chapter 11

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Third Person POV

There was only one thing on Y/N's mind at this point. Running. The only problem was the sheer terror he felt at that moment. The Chain Warden had shed his human disguise and took out the entire Bandle Scout unit that was tailing them. Thresh lets out a low laugh and dangles his lantern.

Thresh: Just as I remember. Genuine and artistic.

Ahri: Get away from him!

Ahri uses her Spirit Rush to charge in, sending the three bolts at him. Just as they connect, she fires her Charm but Thresh leans out of the way and slams his lantern down on her, forcing her face first into the ground.

Thresh: And the fire of life burns brighter in your!

Y/N was in complete shock. That was simply an auto attack and just like that Ahri was down by half her health. It immediately struck him that Thresh had items. There was no other way he could do that much damage with a simple attack. Seeing him about to attack Ahri again made him pull out Runaan's Hurricane and fire an arrow at him. Thresh was quick enough to throw his lantern down and gain a shield from it. The one arrow was enough to destroy the shield though. While it was a good shot, Y/N wasn't sure he'd land another good one. Especially when Thresh started spinning his hook around. Y/N knew his Q was coming and ran behind something. If abilities now followed logic like Ahri's did then that means it couldn't go through terrain.

However, Thresh didn't throw his hook. He was feinting it before stomping his way over. Ahri gets up and latches one of her tails around his ankle. When he turns back to attack her, his face gets hit directly with her Orb, making him recoil backwards. Combine this with Ahri pulling his ankle and it was enough to make him fall over. Y/N looked around the corner to see this in time and readies another shot. When he fires, Thresh spins his hook around, catching the arrow and nearly hitting Ahri who ducks down. As Y/N was getting another arrow ready, Thresh was already up and swung his hook downward, completely destroying the wall next to Y/N and splintering him a little.

Y/N: This won't work! Ahri get back!

Thresh: And where would back be?

As Ahri turn and ran, using her recast on Spirit Rush, Thresh throws his hook at her and gets it around her neck perfectly. Y/N in pure fear for her life ran towards Thresh so he could use Shoulder Bash. The stun was enough to give Ahri time to unwrap herself and get back. Y/N then uses a fully charged Sheath Cleave to deal some big damage to Thresh. When the stun was over, Y/N used Ki Blast to make another stun so he could get back. When he saw his health, Y/N was made even more fearful. Thresh had only lost a quarter of his health. There was no way he could have both crit and defense items. That's when Y/N saw the icons below his health bar. The soul passive read...

Y/N: Ninety thousand souls... His armor is off the charts...! Wait, so all that damage that Ahri did was what made him lose health!

With the details now in his head, Y/N ran deep into the rock formation the bandit camp was set at. They didn't explore the formation much but most of it was just jagged spires with large walls connecting them. Ahri had ran into them as well with Teemo in her arms. He wasn't feeling very good after nearly dying.

Teemo: Flower... for the pretty lady...

Ahri: That's sweet but we're in trouble right now Teemo!

Teemo: Trouble can wait...

Ahri: I don't have time for this! Y/N, please be safe!

Thresh made little effort to chase Ahri and Teemo cause Y/N was the real prize. His soul was different enough to draw the Warden's interest. But he didn't run after his prey. No, he just walked slowly. Y/N on the other hand was making a mad dash through the formation, trying to find an exit before being forced to stop for air. After a moment of breathing, he began to lean up only for a hook to lodge itself into the rock wall next to his head. Y/N froze completely in fear with tears threatening to fall. His life almost literally flashed before his eyes and Thresh got a kick out of it.

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