Arc IV - Chapter 38

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There were a lot of benefits to being in these chambers besides everything being free. The bed and bath were really good. My morning was like the last fifteen. I wake up, do bathroom-related things, and then wait for my breakfast to be delivered. While waiting, I just stared out the window like I was the kids in Cat in a Hat. I'm trying my best not to think about stuff but thinking was all I had. It can grow to the point of being unhealthy and after two weeks, I'm reaching that point. The constant visits I get are welcome regardless of who I get. I'd like any type of conversation at this point.

And maybe for Jarvan to let me come out at least once. Apparently, Teemo and Kai'sa behaving correctly mean I don't get to come out. The dude was aggravating but given what he's been through I can't entirely blame him. All of a sudden, my door swung open and closed almost as quickly before I could even see it happen. Standing at the door was Fiora who eyed me like a hawk. Seeing that she's impossible to solo in toplane, I've got little chances here should she want a fight.

Fiora: Forgive the intrusion but I had to see you for myself.

Y/N: F-for what reason?

She doesn't answer, instead, she walks up and begins to circle around me, gathering what information she can.

Fiora: Too young... Too skinny... Poor eyesight...

She finally stops right in front of me and eyes me from my feet to my hair.

Fiora: Just from the way you're standing, I can tell you are a terrible fighter.

Y/N: Um... may I ask how you came to that conclusion?

Fiora: I know how to analyze body language. From the way one walks to how one stands. It is how I am able to deduce the weak points in my opponents. All the other things I mentioned are also cause for concern.

Y/N: W-why is that...?

Before I even knew it, her rapier was already at my throat. Given that I was in a safe zone, she couldn't directly harm me. Still scared the crap out of me.

Fiora: During our raids, I haven't been able to glean a single detail of your place of origin from your bound. Then, it was revealed just nine hours ago that you were being hunted by a Void Creature and a Wraith from the Shadow Isles. Both of which are two close to Demacia.

Evelynn and Thresh? I figured they'd be here by now. Given my current position, neither would be able to get close. Not without risking too much. Petricite may not affect me but it might still affect them. If they're aware of this, they may only know of its nullifying powers. Thresh could know what it actually does given how old he is and the fact that he's aware of things.

Fiora: I'm to believe that your power is great. If it is so great then why is its chosen master so unworthy of it?

Y/N: There are greater mysteries in the world. By the end of the day, I'm more so a civilian rather than a warrior or a mage. It's just how I've always been.

She squints her eyes at me before sighing and sheathing her rapier. I didn't realize it but I was holding my breath for most of that. Fiora then rubs her brow, no doubt compiling all the information she just got.

Fiora: It makes no sense... At this point, I'm inclined to believe that you aren't even a real person, just something conjured up by magic. I'd even guess that you might be from another world entirely.

That first one is just weird. The second one... that'd be a really weird guess.

Fiora: Whatever the case, that doesn't change the fact that you are a wild card. The king upon learning of these hunters of yours is now having the Dauntless Vanguard lock down parts of the capital. Eventually, our Mageseekers will find and dispose of them. Only then will he allow you to leave this place.

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