Arc IV - Chapter 20

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Kai'sa POV

Things were now beginning to pile up for Y/N. After he and Sonya left for school, Ahri told us all about what happened. Teemo and Rakan were quite happy that Y/N accepted to go on a date with them. However, the timing was going to be steep as he was to start studying for his finals at school. This meant he would have little time to himself and to spend with the girls. Teemo was going to ruin school again so they could guarantee the time together but as per Marco's request, I made sure to stop him. By that I mean tie him to his basket and leave him there. He's been screaming for his release for a couple of hours now.

Rakan: He sure has some lungs despite being so short.

Kai'sa: If I had to wager as to why he can be that loud, it would be something along the lines of insecurity screams the loudest.

Rakan: I'm pretty sure it's just cause you didn't tie him tight enough.

That made me chuckle. It's not what he said that got that reaction but myself. Had someone said that to me weeks ago, I would've assumed that I would need to tighten the rope. Now I understand it as a joke.

Rakan: When's the last time he ate?

Kai'sa: This morning.

Rakan: And it's currently...?

I glance at the clock and see that it's just past lunchtime. Thankfully, there were some leftovers left in the fridge I could feed him. I'll also need to bring him some water. Pretty sure that throat of his will go hoarse otherwise. Once I prepared the meal I step into the extra room where Teemo was breathing heavily.

Teemo: You finally decide to listen! Untie me so that I can-

Kai'sa: Eat. You will be eating.

Teemo: Sounds great, minus the part that-

Kai'sa: What did I tell you last night?

Teemo: Yes, I know I'm a little too involved but think about it for a second. When do you honestly think they'll be able to go on this date?

Kai'sa: Weekends exist Teemo.

Teemo: Do you honestly think Y/N will put down the notebook just to go on a date? You know, the not-love expert?

While he makes a good point, he sounds desperate for this to happen. It struck me as odd but I shrugged it off. Though he was reluctant to have me feed him, his obvious hunger got the best of him and he began to eat. This is when I began to deal with the dilemma he gave everyone else. His lack of eyes to go along with his expressions. It was hard to tell what he was thinking or how he felt. We could only go off of body language which he seemed pretty well aware of. He was the hardest person in the room to read. Guess that makes him the wild card. Could I have ended up just like him though had I continued down my forced story?

Kai'sa: Tell me something Teemo.

Teemo: No.

Kai'sa: Why do you hide your past from everyone?

Instead of taking another bite, he looks away. Hard to tell why since his eyes are closed.

Teemo: Not everything is for you all to know.

Kai'sa: So you wish to suffer in silence.

Teemo: I'm not suffering.

Kai'sa: I'm inclined to believe otherwise. How do you think I felt when I first arrived here? I was alone in a foreign world and the only one who could help me was a young boy who was quite frankly incapable.

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