Arc III - Chapter 10

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Ahri POV

The landing was as basic as before, waking up while laying on the ground. The place we were at was far more familiar to me. It was an Ionian Temple. Doesn't look like it had been used for many years though. As I got up, I look over to see Kai'sa already standing and in a slouched posture. She must've been expecting some sort of enemy. That girl really needs to loosen up. I then turn my head to the faint sobbing behind me. Y/N was curled up on the stone floor and trying to muffle his crying.

Ahri: Hey, Y/N...

I crawl over slowly and get in front of him. I'm careful not to touch him as he may not want physical contact right now. Every part of my body wanted to pull him in close and tell him everything would be alright but I knew I had to be careful. His emotions are volatile right now so I need to be careful. Kai'sa then walks over and crosses her arms.

Kai'sa: Is this his first reaction to family drama?

Ahri: Don't be mean. He needs us right now.

Kai'sa: ...Fine...

I then lay down on the floor right in front of Y/N and begin to hum a little song. It was one I heard from one of those ASMR videos and it was quite relaxing, I'm hoping Y/N finds it to be the same. After a little bit, Y/N slowly removes his hands from his face, revealing tear-stained cheeks and puffy eyes. I give him the best smile I could form and speak to him in a whisper.

Ahri: Hey.

Y/N: I... I'm...

Ahri: Sshhh, just breathe with me. In through the nose.

As I breathe in so does Y/N.

Ahri: Out through the mouth.

I exhale and he follows my lead again. We do this a few more times until he's calmed down enough.

Y/N: I'm so sorry...

Ahri: You have nothing to apologize for. You were stressed, upset, and needed to escape. I don't blame you.

Y/N: But you told me...

Ahri: What I said a few minutes ago doesn't matter now. It's in the past and we have to look toward the future.

I scooch a little closer and lay my tails on him. His fingers were almost immediately gliding along their soft fur. He wasn't as gentle due to his current state of mind but I wasn't going to complain. Kai'sa then kneels down and places her hand on his shoulder.

Kai'sa: I will ask that you forgive me for what I had said. My intentions were to clear the conflict and I only succeeded in causing you more problems. I am sorry.

Y/N: I forgive you...

Good Kai'sa. We need to make progress with him. I don't know if we're safe here but we can't stay. We're clearly back in Ionia but we need to know where in Ionia. Since only Y/N has access to the map we need him to be in a better state of mind. He is the brains of the team after all.

Ahri: Kai'sa, do us a favor and check the area.  The sooner we figure out where we are the better.

She nods and immediately leaves us. Y/N huddles closer and begins to avoid eye contact. That sad expression on his face wounds my soul.

Ahri: Listen, buddy, you can't just run from every problem like this.

Y/N: I know but...

Ahri: I know it's scary. Always wanting people to be happy and not fight, especially if they're family. But when the fighting does happen, you can't always rely on others to do the fighting for you. You'll have to face your problems one day.

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