Arc III - Chapter 24

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After navigating the capital city for a bit, we find ourselves a hotel to stay at. At this point, I'm almost willing to call them something like a safe point. These things are everywhere no doubt for my own convenience. I'm thankful they exist though cause I don't if buying a house is worth the investment, not when I land in random places whenever I return. The room we got was much better this time though. It was more akin to a condo than previous rooms.

Y/N: Nice and roomy. Thank god cause we're probably going to be here a while.

Kai'sa: How long would you estimate?

Y/N: Well as I said earlier, the first invasion lasted three years but with how out of order things are, who knows. If Noxus brought even half its available champions, we could be here for a very long time.

Kai'sa: Two weeks. I'm giving you two weeks.

Ahri: Two weeks? Why?

Kai'sa: I won't risk Y/N getting himself killed in this war. Two Runeterra weeks equals two Earth days, right?

I nod and let out a sigh as I plop onto the first bed I find. To be honest, that's not a lot of time. She is right though. The longer I spend here, the more I risk my own life. For a moment I just lay on the bed and nuzzle my head into the covers. I didn't realize how tired I was until now. Ahri then places her hand on my back and begins to rub it. It was hard to mistake that touch for anyone else.

Ahri: I know we said the time for questions was over but... I am curious about everything. Since we don't have to worry about the details of world travel, think you can nerd out for me?

Y/N: Oh boy can I.

I didn't sound very enthusiastic but I was willing to explain stuff to her. I roll on over and sit up while Ahri sat next to me and Kai'sa leaned against the wall, somehow.

Y/N: Where do I start? I'm gonna try and keep it short.

Ahri: Irelia, please.

Character explanation, just like with Mordekaiser.

Y/N: Okay, so Irelia is the Blade Dancer. She actually turned the tide of the first Invasion when she was only fourteen, severing Jericho Swain's left arm. He's the Grand General of Noxus by the way. She's no pacifist like some other champs but is also no warmonger. She is passionate about the things she does. If something threatens Ionia, she'll be the first to answer the call to battle. If she needs help, she isn't against working with people like the Navori Brotherhood who believe Ionia should be more militaristic.

Kai'sa: But they're just thugs?

Y/N: They are, mostly.

Ahri: Okay, Karma next.

Y/N: Karma the Enlightened One is the Spirit of Ionia that has reincarnated Riot knows how many times. She is the pacifistic and religious leader of Ionia though she would later join the council that Ionia needed for some reason. She's extremely powerful and bares the memories of all her previous incarnations though she carries great weight as an entire nation is within her hands. Noxus causing a problem is what makes her fight despite her not wanting to. This Karma appears to be more willing to do battle but I'm only getting that off of first impressions.

Kai'sa: Now explain Yasuo. I'm most curious about that man.

Y/N: Yasuo the Unforgiven. He trained under a winder technique user alongside his brother. However, someone killed their master using a wind technique, and Yone, Yasuo's brother would assume it was Yasuo himself. I'll explain what actually happened at the next meeting with the Ionian Leaders. Basically, Yasuo does a lot of stuff and ends up with a lot of hate, not from others but from himself. This Yasuo appears to be the most current one where everyone has forgiven him and he's not as hard on himself.

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