Arc VI - Chapter 28

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Ahri POV

After Rakan got me healed up, the two of us got to helping the others clean up the pantry. Naturally, I was relegated to sorting the stuff handed to me. I understand why they didn't want me to do too much of the heavy lifting but I was still annoyed by it. At least Sonya helped make it quick and easy.

Ahri: Great...

Dustin: That does not look like a lot.

Ahri: Cause it's not. This is maybe half of what was caught in all the damage.

Marco: The good news is at least not all the shelves fell over. We still lost over half of what was in there.

Dustin coughs, spitting all over himself, and his spot at the table.

Dustin: That's gotta be six hundred dollars minimum.

Marco: If that's the minimum, you don't want to know the maximum.

Dustin shudders before shaking his head.

Dustin: I know Y/N is gonna try to shut this down, but I ain't gonna let him pay for all that. Not when he needs a bigger house.

Teemo: Preferably with more security too.

Marco: Let's leave the details to his stepmother. Speaking of which, she needs to know about this.

Sonya: Are we sure that's a good idea? That would just make her worry a lot.

Marco: She'll find out one way or another. This way, she'll at least know what's been going on. Teemo.

Teemo: Coming.

Ahri: Wait a second.

Before the two step out of the kitchen, they stop and look back to me. I then go point down at the floor next to them.

Teemo: Oh... those are his glasses...

Dustin: So... he like, has no vision?

I could just barely hear Marco curse under his breathe. Teemo then picks up the glasses and comes to hand them to me.

Ahri: Thanks.

Teemo: Take care of them.

Ahri: As best I can.

He gives me a big nod before running off and jumping onto Marco's back.

Marco: We'll be back later today. If he somehow manages to come back early, please let us know.

Sonya: Gotcha. Stay safe.

Marco nods and leave with Teemo. Riven then looks between me, Sonya, and Dustin with only me looking back at her.

Riven: I'm going to go find Kai'sa. Hopefully, she hasn't gone far.

Dustin: Or you could just stay here?

Riven: There's nothing for me to do here. Our tasks are done for now. Unless you want to try and make broken shelves work with all of our remaining food.

Dustin: Point taken.

She then leaves with a weird silence falling on the kitchen. I could hear Ari squawk from the other room so I want gonna get up and check on him. That's when I noticed Sonya's emotions. Seeing that she needed a quick talk, I sat back down and gestured to the extra room.

Ahri: Dustin, can you check on Ari real fast? The two girlfriends need to have a quick talk.

Dustin: Mkay.

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