Arc VI - Chapter 26

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Evelynn POV

What a brat. Who gave him the right to start back talking me? He certainly grew some balls from the last time. Then again, I have been watching him for a little bit now. I probably should've noticed sooner. That doesn't matter though as he'll be wallowing in his emotions for a bit. I can feel them now as I climb up the tree. I didn't plan to go far as I didn't want my toy to die so soon. That would defeat the purpose, my purpose. What he says still pisses me off though. Me, in denial? Without my purpose?

Evelynn: What utter nonsense. He honestly thinks I could lose something that important?

I'm literally composed of my food. No way in hell this mark actually did anything too me, right? As I finally get onto one of the large tree limbs, I look at the mark and dwell on those words.

Evelynn: Nothing did change, right?

Things have felt weird lately. Remorse, discomfort, and now confusion. While the latter two I've felt for a bit, the first one has been a nagging thought in my head. I should know what it means but I don't. As a demon, I should know. Can't be that hard to find it in a dictionary. No, I'm losing track of my objective. He may have gotten the last laugh in that exchange but what's one little loss to someone who doesn't age? Following the marks directions, I was able to navigate the many tree limbs above locate the boy. It was a little hard to follow his movement due to all the greenery and how high up I was but neither of those mattered so long as I had this mark. This actually made me curious.

As I sat down to observe this mark, I wondered just how it worked. No better time to find out after all. Using one of my lashers, I completely cut off my hand and nearly scream out in pain. I then just giggle a little as the hand slowly fell off and toward the ground below. Not being composed of normal flesh, the hand turns to dust before it even gets halfway down. I then slowly regrow that hand until I had a brand new one. This confirmed that the mark was not tied to the hand even if it appeared there as it was present as my hand fully reformed itself.

Evelynn: Ugh, this is annoying. It just had to be a permanent fix, huh?

I gaze back down at the boy and see him huddling next to a tree. He seemed awfully alert. There were no animals I could see from here so surely he was alright. That's when I heard rustling near me. There was something up here. I gaze around at the canopy as something moved around rather quickly.

Evelynn: Well, if I needed any entertainment, it came and found me.

Something large then jumps out at me but I dodge backwards and shroud myself. Unfortunately, this creature was long gone by the time I looked back up. I look around just to see if it was a bird or not but I find no evidence that it was. Thinking I was okay, I decloak and go to observe the boy again only to find out quickly that I was not safe. Something large then lodges itself into my back and explodes, causing me a great deal of pain and slight bit of pleasure. As I roll around onto my back, I immediately have to bring my lashers and claws up to hold back a large glowing blade.

Evelynn: You're... not what I expected...!

The creature makes a chatter sound before swinging its other scythe blade. I was able to parry with with my Hate Spike and shove him off for a Whiplash but I do no real damage to the hard carapace. That's when I back off and observe the creature completely.

Evelynn: Ah, I know you. You're that Voidling the woman spoke of.

The creature chatters again before eyeing my like food.

Kha'Zix: Yes. You are the traitor.

Evelynn: Traitor? That's a cute title for someone like me.

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