Arc III - Chapter 27

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Third Person POV

The city guard was quick to respond despite the recent cannon fire the docks just endured. Said cannon fire decimated the early responders and even killed some of the workers there. This allowed the Noxian Soldiers to storm the docks before being held off by the defenders. The first champion to respond was Kennen who prioritized finding any potential survivors and that was him being kind as he alone was a huge threat to the attackers. A young ship worker whimpered as he and an older fellow attempted to lift some debris off his crushed leg. Due to this, they were slowly surrounded by the soldiers but Kennen was quick to take each of them out before they could blink.

He then channels electricity through his paws and zaps the rock with enough force to help the man lift it off the boy. With him now free, the older fellow holds the boy up and thanks Kennen for his help. The next thing everyone was paying attention to was the purple comet in the sky. Kai'sa flew overhead and toward the ships whilst being supercharged. When she got close, the first ship attempted to shoot her out of the sky but made the mistake of aiming where she was. Thanks to their poor aim Kai'sa was able to land on the ship and blast the center mast, causing it to fall toward the second ship.

One of the soldiers attempted to attack her from behind but she catches the blade without even looking and shoots another approaching soldier. Kai'sa then kicks the guard away, making sure to keep the weapon which she then promptly threw into a keg of gunpowder. With the amount of force she threw it with, the powder is lit and blows up that half of the ship. Kai'sa then jumps to the other ship, firing both her Icathian Rain and Void Seeker into it. The Noxian hardly stood a chance against the Void Survivor. The Noxians not on the ships were quickly taken out by the defenders now led by Irelia.

Irelia: Take some of them prisoner. I want information on their battle plans now.

The last two to arrive were Y/N and Ahri. Y/N was short of breath due to the long run he just took while Ahri was somewhat alright. Kai'sa then flies from the two burning ships and lands next to some dead bodies. When she looked upon them, part of her grieved. It was another young man who had a sword wound on his back. Kai'sa offered a silent prayer to the now-departed soul before she rejoined her group.

Ahri: Looks like we're late.

Kai'sa: This was just a distraction. Their main force is somewhere else.

Irelia: That is what we intend to find out.

Irelia joins them with Kennen suddenly appearing at her side.

Kennen: If this is a distraction force like the woman said, then the main force must be attacking Fae'lor. It will take a few hours to get to Fae'lor Castle and by the time we arrive, the Noxian may have overtaken it.

Irelia looks to Y/N for answers and he nods.

Y/N: In the story, it's the first place to be converted to Noxian territory even in the modern day. They also free the prisoner of the Dreaming Pool.

Irelia: Syndra! We must not waste time then.

She looks at one of the defenders and orders them to get a ship ready to sail for Fae'lor. While she did that, she immediately went and joined the now-arriving Shen and Karma. Kai'sa and Ahri turned to Y/N who now regained his breath.

Y/N: Quick summary on Syndra, she's a very powerful magicborn that uses her own negative emotions as her main source of attack. She also sucks the spirit out of the environment around her, leaving it drained. Since Ionia needs that to survive, she's a great threat to the continent as a whole.

Kai'sa: Good to know. What's our next move?

Y/N: Find Xanders. I've got plenty of gold and we need items. At least, as many as Ionia will let us get.

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