Arc IV - Chapter 14

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I feel like I'm dying...

Sonya: Come on buddy, one more!

Everything hurts...

Sonya: You've got this! You just gotta believe!

My throat is parched but... I managed to do it. I use what little strength I had left to push the bar all the way up and finish the first and ONLY set.

Y/N: Oh my god...

Sonya: You did it! You completed your first set!

I hate the bench press so much now... My once grey outfit was now soaked completely and I smelt horrible. Whatever on me didn't hurt felt like jelly. Sonya reaches over and pours some cold water on my face, some of which I got to drink up as well.

Y/N: Holy shit... I hate this...

Sonya: You'll get used to it. Now, let's get you seated in something comfortable.

With her help, I was able to get off the bench but I wasn't moving very fast. Unless the direction was down than to which case, I was very fast. Sonya had to catch me and help walk me to the nearest recliner. It was old and worn out from the looks of it but it still felt like heaven. Honestly, I could just fall asleep and never wake up right about now.

Sonya: Thought oughta help.

She holds a cold, wet rag to my forward and begins to wipe me down, all while I focused on my breathing or rather, tried to see if my lungs were still working. Thankfully, they were.

Sonya: That's it, buddy. Breathe.

Y/N: Wasn't this... a little much... It's only day one...!

Sonya: Sorry, I got a little excited to see you work on yourself.

She chuckles a little before tugging at my shirt.

Sonya: I'm gonna get your stomach now. Then after that, your calves. That way you can go upstairs and take a bath. Food will be ready when you get out.

I nod and let her continue cleaning me. I'm really glad that my head was still on straight though I may not like that in a little bit. For all I know, I'm about to hurl up those protein bars I ate a little bit ago. And I have to do this to bulk up? How the hell would I survive doing this stuff on a schedule!?

Sonya: Hey...

Sonya looks up at me with almost guilty eyes.

Sonya: You don't have to force yourself to do this, you know? You've done pretty well without it.

Y/N: I know but... Sometimes I feel like a burden. I could barely perform a stealth takedown when it mattered.

Sonya: Buddy, that isn't a strength thing.

Y/N: I know but...

I'm not exactly a small guy but compared to who I have to face in League, it's like Feeding Frenzy. The difference is that I don't get bigger like the fish after eating a certain amount of smaller fish. It's not that simple. If I can't put some weight on and gain some muscle, I'll just be all brain and no brawn. Doesn't sound so bad until you start to add things up. I don't want to burden the champions with my lack of fighting prowess or strength.

Y/N: I don't want to lack anything.

Sonya: Hey, listen to me.

She gets closer to me and holds my face with both hands. Both were cold from the rag and honestly felt really nice.

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