Arc IV - Chapter 29

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Teemo POV

Poppy: Hiyah!

Poppy slams her hammer down on the last raptor, completing the quest. It was very convenient that we could accept and complete quests on our own but we had never really tested this before. Maybe once we get a large enough group we can spread out and deal with several tasks at once. Well, I guess we can already do that but it isn't exactly safe for Y/N if he's outside a safe zone.

Teemo: That should be good. I can't exactly check how much we have at the moment but it should be a decent start.

Poppy: Glad to lend you a hammer. Actually, I should meet this kid you were telling me about.

Teemo: So you can try and give him your hammer?

Poppy: It's not my hammer. It was made for the Hero of Demacia and I couldn't be that hero.

I'd say you were humble but literally every time we do this song and dance, everyone tells you that you're the hero. Sometimes I wonder how much of a brain she has up there. Eh, she's got a good heart though.

Teemo: Well, I guess it's alright. Just know that he's not in a great state of mind at the moment.

Poppy: Can you tell me what happened?

Teemo: Um... family issues...

That hits way too close to home now that I say to her...

Poppy: Ah, I see. Not sure how much I can help there. Maybe he just needs some encouragement.

That could go a long way. No matter how many times a friend says it, a stranger saying that kind of stuff will go much further. I don't know how that logic works but it does. As we begin to walk, Poppy asks the obvious question.

Poppy: Do you even know where he is?

Teemo: The binding mark leads me right back to him.

Poppy: That's helpful.

You mean handy. HAHA, shut up.

Poppy: Do you know what else it does?

Teemo: Well unless the binder dies, I'm immortal.

Poppy: Wait, he's human, right?

I know where this is going.

Teemo: Yup.

Poppy: And humans only live eighty years, right?

Teemo: Yuuup.

Poppy: So that means you're not gonna live a long Yordle life anymore.

Honestly, some days I wish I wasn't a Yordle...

Teemo: I'm fifty-six in human years. I'm nearly two hundred and nine in Yordle years. I think I've lived long enough.

Poppy: Heimerdinger would say otherwise.

Teemo: That super saiyan moostache Mojojo wannabe says a lot of things that I don't listen to.

Poppy: What... did you just call him...?

The look of utter confusion on her face was hilarious. She'll understand later if we bind her. Actually, let's not do that. Actually, who the heck are we gonna bind? Everyone in Demacia is either too important or just not a good option. I guess there's Sona but she may be in the former category. We also have no clue as to what this timeline is currently at.

Teemo: What's been going on here recently?

Poppy: As far as I know, there's this war the city is facing with a bunch of magic-born people. I've tried my best not to get involved but things are starting to get a little nasty.

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