Arc V - Chapter 6

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Once I was out of the restroom, I sat down in the one open chair my hospital room had. It was way more comfy than the bed.

Kai'sa: You look more comfortable than before.

Y/N: Peeing helps with relief but that's a bonus when compared to this chair.

She got curious and decided to lay in the bed for a moment. It lasted all of four seconds before she got up.

Kai'sa: Rakan should lie down on that. He won't complain about the couch then.

Y/N: That is something I need to think about...

Kai'sa: A bed?

Y/N: No. I need to start looking into a new house. If things go well which I doubt they will, I'll have five champions living in my house. That's six people and my house is barely able to fit five already. Teemo doesn't take up much space but there's gonna come a time when nobody will have any privacy.

The worst part is there's only one bathroom in my house. I don't want my stepmom to get involved, not when she's already got enough on her plate and I'm not the type of person to guilt-trip anyone, especially my family. What money I do have I need to save for college IF I survive that long. I also need to look into locations. I know for a fact nobody wants to be in the state of Ohio but that's a long way from family and... I can't keep leaving Bailey behind. I could check out some apartments but that'll cost a lot of money. Ahri was the only one working but since I'm in the dark about her situation, it's best to assume she's not currently working.

Thinking about her though... I feel really bad all of a sudden. I couldn't stand it anymore.

Y/N: Kai'sa...

Kai'sa: Is there something you need?

Y/N: No more delaying it. Tell me what happened to Ahri.

???: I think it's best that I tell you that.

I break my gaze from Kai'sa and see Rakan and Sonya walk in.

Kai'sa: Where are the boys?

Rakan: They decided to go and watch Bailey. Marco is outside though. Said he needed to collect his social energy or some weird thing like that. Don't really know what he means, I'm full of social energy. I could just give him mine and-

Y/N: Rakan.

Rakan: Sorry, sorry.

Sonya comes over and hugs me gently, something she doesn't do too terribly often due to her own excitement to see me.

Sonya: If you really want to know. I'll tell you... Just... please don't be mad at her... or yourself.

All the worry I had just flared up. When I looked at her face and stared at the scar, I realized what may have happened.

Y/N: She wouldn't...

Sonya: She didn't mean to... Please, don't be mad at her Y/N, she wasn't in control.

Y/N: Okay, stop... I... I need to hear it all first.

My heart was aching. I know Ahri would never do this but that part of my brain that wants to be a pessimist is telling me that Ahri was bad. What made it worse was the fact that I'm involved in this somehow.

Rakan: To give the story, Ahri was going through a state of confusion due to your lack of magical connection to her. No, the binding mark doesn't count. Think magical connection like me and Xayah for example. That state of confusion and the fact she was still bothered by what Jhin said to her a while ago caused her to go into a frenzy. That's how Sonya got the scar on her face.

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